My 1000l Fowlr Tank(from China)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8083024#post8083024 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CiroFuentes22
wut are the names of thies 2 fish i want them both.and wur i can find them.LOL
English name: Sohal Tang
Ã"“ÐÎÃ"žÃƒÆ’û£ººìº£Ã" ÃƒÂ¯ÃƒÅ Ã‚¿
Acanthurus sohal

English name: Moorish Idol
Zanclus canescens
Not easy to keep,need technique.My Moorish five months,you need feeding many alga to him(such as laver) .:D
Sorry,my english very poor:(
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8083987#post8083987 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 192clark
absolutely beautiful, if someone is not impressed with that they are really jealous. The fact that you have that many fish in your tank and the water quality apparently is great speaks to your maintenance and love of the fish. Keep up the good work! Congratulations!!!!
Thank you very much!
I love my fishs:rollface:

Yesterday,i test water.
I can breeding LPS in my tank.
:D :D :D
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Really Noiiiiiceeeee!
VERYYYY GOOODD!!!... Brilliant.!!!..... IT is not easy to have many fish in a tank. good job. and i am also surprise that your PBT is fat and healthy.. right untill now, i have no success to have a PBT in my fihs tank mix with other fish.
Very beautiful tank you have there! I think we are all jealous and would like to have something that nice. What is your maintenance procedure? (Water changes etc?) You have obviously put a lot of time and effort into it and I am inspired to make my 240 gal. better. Thanks for the pics!
Great tank COOLFISH
I have pics of “that street” is anyone’s interested?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8089841#post8089841 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by plancton
Very nice. I wouldn´t use so much light for a fish only tank.
Enough and similar with sun shine can keep fishes beautiful and colorful !
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8089723#post8089723 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 10810
Great tank COOLFISH
I have pics of “that street” is anyone’s interested?

I don't know “that street”:confused: :confused:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8086601#post8086601 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by salmon11
VERYYYY GOOODD!!!... Brilliant.!!!..... IT is not easy to have many fish in a tank. good job. and i am also surprise that your PBT is fat and healthy.. right untill now, i have no success to have a PBT in my fihs tank mix with other fish.

HAHA ,You can do it!:D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8087352#post8087352 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by K-ROK
Very beautiful tank you have there! I think we are all jealous and would like to have something that nice. What is your maintenance procedure? (Water changes etc?) You have obviously put a lot of time and effort into it and I am inspired to make my 240 gal. better. Thanks for the pics!
Very simple!
1.I will change 15% water per week for my tank (about 150L)
2.ROWA remove phosphate.
3.Big NO3 reducer.
4.Every day add Ca Mg Nahco3.
5.Every week add vitamin.
6.Every week test water.

hehe,also every day feeding......:D :D :D

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7842822#post7842822 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gregmoeck

do they get air if not that is a disscrace to the hobby and general respect.
Im am very appauled at this tank and those pics from the "street". Keeping fish should not be like this. I hate to say it but from my persepective this is completely dispicable!!!!! What ever happened to having fish feel at home, thriving growing-living!!! How is a fish supposed to live and co-exist with a thousand other fish in the same tank!?!?!?!?! There needs to be a level of restraint by the aquarist to realize that cramming all these fish in one tank is not humane and is down right stupid. I know this is probably going to stir up arguments, but so be it. Its sad that the marine hobby is exploited like this. Its like the reef hobby in China, phillipines and Indonesia......all attentiion is given towards how pretty the damn tank looks. No attention is given to biology, chemistry and eqiulibrium of the system, hence everything dies once or month or so and is simply re-stocked. Lets just keep replacing corals in our tanks when the old ones die!! The oceans big right!? THeres enough corals......WRONG! We should be trying to get our animals to THRIVE not just SURVIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Personally I cant stand looking at that tank. Marine fish typically sleep at night----how the heck do they do that in that tank?!?!?!? I'll stop before I REALLY get people upset at me!
In response to the last two posts. Have you seen noted author and aquarist Wayne Shangs fish only 300 gallon tank? Here is a quote from page 13 of his book "The Captive Marine Aquarium":

"In my own 300-gallon fish-only system, I have been able to keep fourteen large and three small angelfish for up to ten years. Two butterflies and two cleaner wrasses have also been in the tank for over five years."

COOLFISH-CHINA seems to be doing a good job of keeping the water quality up and nitrates down. His tank at 1000L is 265-gallons very similar in size to Mr. Shangs. I am not convinced that there is a problem with his fishkeeping practice. I would make one suggestion and that is to make sure that you have home/hiding place for each fish in the tank. If you do this then they will feel safe and secure when threatened. COOLFISH-CHINA might want to consider adding more rock. But he should know if each fish, by their habits, are able to find its own secure place.

At first I too thought "Too many fish!". I was partially satisfied though after seeing how the tank is cared for. Coolfish-China seems to do a good job keeping up with the care of the fish. The water quality is good and is maintained. I agree with patharm in that some more rock/hiding spots would be beneficial. No doubt these fish are cared for much more than they would be in a store. If he just threw them in the tank and replaced as they died I would not support him - but he seems to know what he is doing and truely loves his fish and the hobby.
I never said he wasnt doing a good job of keeping up with water quality....I never said he doesnt know what hes doing.......Im talking about the whole reef keeping hobby as a whole, especially in Asia. Its sad to see how the hobby is exploited like that. Im sorry, Ive seen Shangs tanks, and I dont care if he can keep them alive for years...bottom line is that its not natural. And if Im not mistaken this guys tank has a lot more fish than Waynes.

This is just a prime example of how philosophies about reef keeping and the hobby differ all over the world. Members of reefcentral are constantly blasting eachother on here because they have 6 fish in 60 gallon, or for whatever reason. However people are responding to this guy like "Nice tank!" "Keep it up"

Now excuse me but what the @#$% shouldnt all you tang police, angel police, whatever police, be on this guys case?!?!?!?

I just dont understand why all these people are commenting saying how great the tank is!!

And last----do you seriously think CoolChina sits and watches EVERY fishes habits in that tank?! how can you when theres that many fish??!?! How can the fish even act naturally when there are that many other fish in the tank!!!! My point is that it seems like the emphasis is on colorful fish, NOT biology.
You are right that the environment these fish are subjected to is unlike what their natural habitat would be, but the fish look healthy to me. They are well cared for and look....happy - as happy as a fish can look that is. I think all the argueing on this forum about too many fish in a tank is mainly directed to the novice who has little experience in the hobby and doesn't realize whats best for the fish. This guy seems to know that he's toeing the line of too many fish, but can justify it with his care of the inhabitants. I'm not trying to say your argument is unjustified - but from what I've seen so far in this hobby - everyone has their own opinion on how things should be done. You have every right to convey your opinion and feelings on the matter - but need to understand that this guy has no doubt poured lots of cash into what HE wants for his tank and for what he believes is acceptable.
I understand all points of view, and trust I can see that the fish do in fact look great and vibrant. If Coolfish didnt know what he was doing than this tank would be a SERIOUS disaster. All in all I think theres too many fish - but they do look healthy. Im just arguing for fish civil rights!! jk I just feel bad seeing tanks like that. Thats all. Coolfish-keep up the tank and Im NOT talking crap on you, Im just not a fan of the way the hobby is conducted overseas. Bye