my 240

thanks all,

mark, it has been a little over 10 months.

dx - ask away :)

took a couple of feeding behavior pics tonight.

first, one of the sponges

a gorgo i got yesterday at a local shop

Millepora alcornis (fire coral - yes, it burns alot when you touch it with these polyps out)

and the big betta was posing so i got her as well - that orange monti in the background was just a white spot on the gsp rock when i got it, it is recovering nicely in here :)
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a little video with my small digital camera. the quality isnt very good, but you can see the shimmer and watch it disappear at the end as a cloud passes

thanks, here is one more from today - got the shimmer a little better. i need to find a way to do a higher quality video.

here is what the tank looks like when the sun is directly overhead - those beams move across the tank with the sun

left end


right end
I am so impressed with your tank, rockwork, and the new rockwork. I am going to start changing my rockwork as well. Love my two islands in my 240 but your change is much nicer and so different.

Are you just running the Seios? I use 2 Tunze with controller and returns each have a Wavy Sea but I feel there are still dead spots. Even have almost all rock on pvc platforms so wondered what your secret is?
i was running four seio 2600s on two controllers, but got rid of them and went to a single tunze wavebox. the rocks are just very carefully stacked - no underlying structure. i did have some very nice large pieces of rock and i reshaped them by removing bits of rock with bone cutters so pieces fit together very snugly.
quick update on the ats - i added a third NO light behind the screen and put a 65 watt pc 6500k light in front.

here is the screen just before cleaning

here are the lights behind the screen

here it is all put back together.

i have only cleaned my glass once this week, i think it is starting to make a small difference in the tank

and a few new pics

one section that is filling in nicely

another one - top down

rbta top down - really starting to color back up after bleaching as a result from being attacked by the H. mag when they were on the same island

little blue max top down

little open brain top down

shaggy pagoda

same old pink chalice that i have had since the beginning of this tank. started as a 1/2" one mouth frag