Thanks ChAoTiCrEeFeR4U! It's been an interesting ourney
twon8: I just topped off with Kalk, but the CA demand proved too much after about the 10th month and I started trying a few different two parts which introduced too much PO4. I then used turbo Calcium and that was great for getting me by until the CA reactor could be built and installed.
reefarchitect: You will be VERY happy with the four penductors driven by an Iwaki 100RLT.. Easily one of the best things I have done on my tank. Aim at two of them at a 45 degree angle sweeping the bottom of your tank and they will keep detritus from settling while also creating an upward current after it bounces off the opposite wall and drive more crap into your overflows
twon8: I just topped off with Kalk, but the CA demand proved too much after about the 10th month and I started trying a few different two parts which introduced too much PO4. I then used turbo Calcium and that was great for getting me by until the CA reactor could be built and installed.
reefarchitect: You will be VERY happy with the four penductors driven by an Iwaki 100RLT.. Easily one of the best things I have done on my tank. Aim at two of them at a 45 degree angle sweeping the bottom of your tank and they will keep detritus from settling while also creating an upward current after it bounces off the opposite wall and drive more crap into your overflows