Cool, thanks for the reply. Reason I asked is because my cube has been up and running for a year and a half without sand and I'm planning on adding some reef flakes, i just didnt know how fast I should add it. I too will make it as shallow as possible.
I'm looking forward to seeing your reef after you do this
This is my daily "must read" thread. I want to thank you for the information and humor you and others have posted in this thread. You post the highs and the lows of running a reef tank, something we all have experienced.
I want it as shallow as possible to minimize detritus building up in it and stir it around weekly with a fork or something similar.
Why wouldn't you use your NASA Hubble Telescope scraper?
Hi mate
One of the best threads I've ever read. Your corals are from another world
I also started to feed my tank heavily following your recipe and the colors are getting better but my sand started to look brown, any thoughts on that?
I'm in a phase of changing the sump so could you please explain one more time how your sump works? I found it already in the thread but everything is not clear to me.
greets from Croatia :beer:
that coral pic is awesome...
this has become my read with coffee thread
Thanks mate, it looks like it has set nice and firmI have not kept corals before but am hoping to turn the new tank into a reef
any suggestions on an easy coral. I've heard mushrooms are easy, what lighting do they need? keep up the great work Dallasg :thumbup:
Man, the aculeus vid was depressing to watch. That's an awesome piece, I hope at least a frag is saved. Does Bryce have a back up?
The echinata looks absolutely stunning!! Better than their FB pics! It's definitely gonna be a stunner!! How's the water change schedule coming along? I did a couple largish (50% mixed in bucket with salt for 6 hours) water changes when I had a similar problem, it helped a lot.
For anyone who's missed out on biggles's comedic genius all over RC, here's a repost..... hope you don't mind biggles
Apparently, biggles wanted to steal some of Acronic's acros, but since Acronic (Kevin) has some crazy security, biggles sent in his secret Ninja![]()
thats funny
Bello, I better receive that coffee mug you said you would be sending...or Kevin the Ninja koala is coming over to your place next...:angryfire:
I bet you are hiding some nice acros from us...well not to worry, Kevin has been trained very well...:wavehand:
Bello, I better receive that coffee mug you said you would be sending...or Kevin the Ninja koala is coming over to your place next...:angryfire:
I bet you are hiding some nice acros from us...well not to worry, Kevin has been trained very well...:wavehand:
I'm pretty certain i've lost the entire piece now along with 3 frags elsewhere in the tank - the blue stag and the aculeus were the only two acros to really take things badly. The bits of blue stag are still alive in the sump and there's still 2 bits of the aculeus not completely dead.
I cut that echinata up into four bits and stuck them around the rocks to cover my arse as usual Bello lol. I didn't realise how tiny the tubular corallites were in diameter. So far all the bits appear to be doing fine after a couple of weeks. All the new acros i added in the last two weeks are doing as good or better than all my acros subjected to long term polluted water. I think it's going to take a month or two before most of my acros return to health.
Doing 15-20% changes every 4-5 days and will keep that up for another 3 or 4 weeks. I plan to do 20% changes every 2 weeks to keep the trace elements up long term.
The only problem using Kevin to steal acros for me is his habit of staying up the tree and refusing to come down with his prize after a night raid. The garden hose usually blasts him from the tree and also serves as a fresh water dip for the newly aquired acro.
Hahahahahaha!!! The blue stag and aculeus plus the horrida were my favourites biggles. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully, you'll snag some later.
The Echinata is easy to frag, especially when you have NO INTENTION of fragging it!! The bloody things break in seconds. I'm guessing all the Echi bits are at various light and flow levels as usual. Would be interested in hearing your observations on their colors and growth, once settled. Mine seem to showing slight STN at the base. Guessing more flow is in order.
Glad to see that the new ones are healthy :thumbsup:. Waiting for things to come back to normal, and get back to their stunning selves!! :thumbsup:
Biggles, I got the note from Kevin...:angryfire:
However, local Aussie Intel have passed this shot to me which explains how Kevin came to write such a silly note.
Biggles, with a 400W Radium bulb how much coverage do you think you will get if placed center in a 48" tank? At least 40" from center, 20" on either side? Do you think that is a reasonable estimate?
How high is your MH fixture?
Keep up the awesome work, you are a legend in my eyes Biggles :thumbup: