Yeah the echi loves the Radium lol. All my SSC are shut down and have very poor PE. Here's a couple of pieces looking more mauve than pink. All have turned deep green (terrific :mad2and lost the pink pop they had - zero growth anywhere for over a month but at least they're not losing tissue except for the occasional burnt tip. You can see the dull powdery look to the tissue especially in the bottom pic.
Thanks for the photo work Sahin.Yes despite nothing growing and most stuff being very gloomy looking health wise the colors have deepened - not in a good way as the SSC pics show
Adding the sand has made the colors show brighter due to the contrast with such a white bottom. Over time that harsh reflective whiteness will fade once the grains are coated with goop.
What is GFO? Is it a type of algae
Hey mate, looking at the colour of the tissue clearly shows something must have been in the water...I dont believe this is simply due to a parameter issue, nor do I believe it is due to overuse of GAC or GFO...the tissue colour on that SSC looks very strange...
I'm glad the STN has largely stopped. That shows you know what you are doing and have the knowledge and experience to prevent a potential tank would have probably caused my tank to explode! :lol:
So i wanted to make a point of talking about CUC - clean up crews, in particular snails.
I had the mass Trochus spawning last week and i'm beginning to see the jelly masses of snail eggs being laid by the much smaller Turbo snails Bryce gave me which are the ones i want to populate big time. Trochus are good up to a point but the more established and encrusted your SPS become the tighter the crawl spaces, Trochus are idiots for getting themselves jammed into a spot amongst acros. Once my Turbo snail population is well established i'll be removing all the Trochus to the sump and probably back to the LFS eventually.
Only had the T5's on so i used the flash to illuminate this Turbo snail egg mass billowing in the current under the front rock arch. I think the coralline algae is growing slightly faster since i've been doing water changes but it's so small it's hard to judge.
My previous tanks had hundreds of Turbo snails constantly breeding and there would be 50-100 on the front glass every night - i have lots and lots. The point is that being able to keep a thriving population of algae eaters is for me another important health indicator of my system. Snails eat algae so the bigger population is just like permanently running GFO. The GFO however simply strips the phos from your water whereas the snails are eating the phos bound up in the algae and returning the ' treated ' algae back to the water through their wastes, no idea how much of what stuff is retained by the snails. When you feed more you usually run more GFO etc to keep things balanced. Think about running less GFO and letting a more natural and hands free algae/phos control method take over the algae management.
I think GFO is great stuff for rapid treatment of high phos issues but a healthy snail population will self regulate it's numbers in response to more feeding and the resulting algae growth.
Imagine being able to remove all your Turbo snails so the tank had none suddenly, within a week you would see an explosion of algae in the display not because any levels had changed but simply because the snails are no longer mowing the reef lawn for you - just like they do in billions of numbers on the reefs.
There are other cleaners such as cukes etc but they're usually used by reefers with weird taste such as Bello and his black turds. Let's just think about that situation for a moment. Using big black turd lookig things to make your sand look whiter thereby accentuating how black and ugly the turd cukes look in the display............... having slagged my mate Bello i should point out that i once has a burnt sausage cuke until it went into a powerhead. I also had a blue linckia starfish and other stupid spur of the moment livestock purchases, i squashed the starfish during a rock re scape btw. The lionfish was probably the stupidest purchase, after he whacked me on the finger and i stopped sobbing like a baby a few hours later he was returned - i still hate that little bastard. Actually there's a thought for you Bello, why don't you try a little lionfish............... :smokin:
Thanks Biggles makes sense now:thumbup: your tank is still looking good.
I see you have a yellow tang in your tank, how's he going and is he happy in there.
Biggles I know this has nothing to do with your tank but I'm looking for a showpiece fish for my 60gal, something that is active and beautiful( cuc safe too ) any suggestions
This is an excellent post!
That jelly looking stuff I've seen in my tank...I thought it was slime from one of the acros of something...nice to know my tank is at least healthy enough to support a reproducing population of Trochus snails.
Regarding your comment about GFO and CUC managing algae; that is an excellent post and a real reminder that tanks can be managed without GFO or perhaps a little of it.
Furthermore, I am a member on at least 5 other major US and Canadian Reef Forums, and lately I have been reading other build threads fairly closely; paying particular attention to use of GFO and I have seen the following:
1. Those who dont use GFO, still have VERY good SPS fact the colour are deep, not pastel.
2. There are others who use some GFO or use GFO only when needed, again these tanks have very nice SPS colours.
My tank has now been without GFO for around 2 weeks I that time I havent done a water change. My SPS colours havent got fact some corals look better and actually have coloured up a bit more. My glass still take 2-4 days to get dirty...
Here is a VERY interesting article I came across yesterday:
And this:
And this diagram within the above link:
I believe I have overdone the whole nutrient management in the past few years...going overboard. I am going to relax a little now and let the tank find its balance. If I start to get Algae, I will manage it via water changes, larger CUC and maybe some GFO usage temporarily.
PS, I thought Bello was the only one to have kept Turds in his tank...:lol: Not you as well! :lol:
The yellow tang seems ok to me, he's constantly picking at any algae he can find and is fat and healthy looking.
I don't know much about fish tbh, the problem with show fish is they're usually SPS unfriendly ie bloody angels like flames etc. I've lost count of how many drop dead gorgeous fish i've had to ignore at the LFS over the years because i keep SPS dominant displays. The other guys will know more than me i'm sure and might have a couple of suggestions for you hopefully.
Thanks very much for those links Sahin, very good reading indeed mate :thumbsup:
I see so many new guys just starting out now days and most have GFO and carbon reactors already on the shopping list. Let the tank cycle without it and the populations required to deal with your system wastes will actually reach a higher level because you're not artificially starving them running media that you likely don't even need. If things get out of control then sure run some GFO and break the algae's back fast, then remove it and see how things go without it.
There really are many ways to run a reef but the silly trend of phos and nitrate micro management that was in full swing 14 months ago when i rejoined the hobby is finally waning and being replaced with guess what - the exact same methods that we were all using 10 years ago. It's less stressful, less work and brings success so unless you're into the whole chemistry set reefing thing why on earth go that route. GFO has not increased the low proportion of colorful SPS tanks one bit from what i see.
I know high nitrates turn wild acros brown and poopy from personal experience, i have no idea what phos really does and neither does anyone else from what i see. I said it 12 months back and i still believe it now - the only reason reefers see success with raising phos and nitrate levels to a detectable level is due to the increased feeding required to maintain such levels. It's not the phos and nitrates in the water giving you great colors because i have none and my colors are ok even when the acros are bloody losing tissue lol. The higher food levels are feeding the whole reef and everything living and reproducing in it which leads to a much richer food laden water overall. Feed the fish or the corals, either way will work as long as you FEED. If you want to keep a certain phos level the go for it but there is no level that i know of that will be a sweet spot level for anyone's system - every tank is different which is why the sheep following aspect of our hobby never yields results. There are good basic guides to start you off in this hobby but along the way you soon learn that taking a bit of this method and that method just doesn't work.
Pick a method that you feel comfortable with both time and money wise and follow some guys that use it with good results. I'd still like to be rich enough to run a zeo tank as well just to see how it all works but i can't afford 3-4 tanks lol. If i win lotto i'll pay Sahin and Bello to fly over here and do all the hard work for me......... :wavehand:
Ok got that out of my system...........
I only had the cuke for a few weeks before i came to my senses - Bello kept the bloody things even though we all told him they were disgusting. He's weird and that's all there is to it ! :uhoh3:
I need more anthias and i need them now........ i have FISH FRENZY !!!!!!!
That is a damn sexy bit of information, and an even sexier anthias. What kind is it?
Have you thought about wrasses? McCoskers are on my list when the large tank gets built. They have a lot of color and personality.
Hey mate, it's a Stocky Anthias - Pseudanthias hypselosoma
I have 3 and want to have 7-9 so i'll have to get 4 or 6 more asap. I never keep wrasses or any other fish that predates heavily on critters and micro life in the display so i've kinda limited myself on colorful fish choices lol.
I never keep wrasses or any other fish that predates heavily on critters and micro life in the display
I completely understand. I have a soft spot for wrasses, big and small.
Anthias are growing on me and the school idea would look amazing, buddy!
I agree, on more anthias. Would add to your already great reef. I have dispars, bicolor (i think) and a few sailfins. I love the way they all group above the reef. A nice fairy wrasse would look great in there too! Your corals look like they're starting to bounce back nicely. I love the FTS!
Thanks for the discussion Biggles. Your rants are always useful and interesting.
If you ever win the lottery, yeah, I'd fly over take care of your tanks and corals.![]()
Tell me about it, most of the fish I like are not reef safe:-(
I think I'm going to have to set up a 150gal fowlr in the near future, fingers crossed![]()
Most of people like them because they can solve flatworms situations, as was my case (not aefw).
What is your regime when you buy new coral, do you dip? You had any problems with flatworms, ordinary one or the nasty one?
That double crossing barsteward Kevin Koala...Well Bello, our plans for getting our hands on some awesome "freebie" Aussie Acros have been dashed...:mad2:You're not allowed to put your hands near the acros mate - i'm lazy not stupid, you and Bello would be cutting stuff off at the first opportunity and bolting for home.![]()
I don't dip anything but i should i guess. Never had any flatworm probs or any bugs etc. from all wild collected pieces over the years touch wood![]()
While not as awesome as before, the acros still look pretty good :thumbsup:. Looks like the tank is on the road to recovery :thumbsup:. I'm still waiting to turn things around with my tank, getting bummed looking at the displays and the lousy colors.