Fishy 1
The Reefer From Downunder
My tank is 40" wide by 24" front to back and i ran a single 250W Radium and 4x39W T5's for the first 12 months at 5" off the water. I have the 400W bulb at 8" off the water and it easily covers the full length of the tank with useable SPS light. I'm only using a cheap rectangular reflector.
Thanks mate, legendary screw up is what i am lately lol.
Okay i received the bag of sand i ordered and here it is beside the stuff i took out. What do you guys think because i'm not sure it's big enough and i don't want to try it if it's going to do the same thing. Do you think the larger size is enough to make a big difference. Btw i just ordered a WP-40 to replace one of the WP-25's with. The spare 25 can go in the sump tank.
Since the fluoro aculeus on the tip of the raft has been very sick (dying) the bloody acro that it was holding at bay in the encrusting war has taken the opportunity to over grow its base - no mercy in acro wars....... You can see how bad things are with my glow in the dark blob coral
The smallest anthias who gets put in his place by the middle sized one every now and then hangs out in the raft acro branches when things get too stressful. Most of the time they all hang together so he's not being beaten up or anything bad just reminded he's bottom of the ladder. He sleeps right there alongside the yellow tang at night btw.
Don't be to hard on yourself

As for the sand that's a though one, as the sand is very small I think it will get blown around abit and form sand dunes hehe;-)
But I think if you position the pumps right you should get minimum sand movement.
Just keep tweaking until you get it right :thumbup: