My 65G Shallow Reef Tank

Beautiful spread and write up.
Simple, elegant and effective.
You have done a such great job of distilling all of the important elements of reefkeeping and implementing them perfectly.
Very nice, Bulent!

Congrats Bulent, very well deserved recognition mate :)

Excellent write up and awesome pics of a wonderful SPS display :thumbsup:

Matt and Andrew,

Thank you for your compliment. I appreciate it.

I learned a great deal from all of you who have been contributing to my thread. Without a shadow of doubt, our conversations have moved my tank forward. In this context, I would like to repeat what I wrote in my acknowledgements:

"Thank you to my fellow reefers on Reef Central. I learn a great deal from them. They are obsessed with coloration of Acropora, and it is often a depressing affair to compare the coloration of my corals to theirs, but one needs a challenge. I would like to thank them for their encouragement and sharing their wisdom with me". :love2:
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It seems October has been a great month for you, congratulations!!! I absolutely love your tank, and can see why you have achieved such great recognition. The video is super cool too, you are improving those skills. Outstanding work mate!
Cheers :)
Thank you again for your compliment.

I have also a Porites cylindrica in my tank, but I deliberately keep it in a low light position to control its growth. It looked almost yellow once when kept under 10000K MH (BLV). It sadly looks dark green in these days due to blue-dominated light spectrum. This is another coral that will be migrated to my upgrade.


Do you have a tank thread that I can look at?



Man this coral is beautiful under 10k lighting, I keep it low for the same reason. Even with 12k it doesn't look very yellow any more.
Where is the tank of the month article? hasn't been updated for a long time.
Man this coral is beautiful under 10k lighting, I keep it low for the same reason. Even with 12k it doesn't look very yellow any more.
Where is the tank of the month article? hasn't been updated for a long time.


The TOTM article was published on a UK forum, which is in my signature. I will pm you the link now. Beware that it is over 7000 words. I got carried away while writing it.

I wondered if that was your tank in the Reef Hobbyist Mag!!!! Congrats man! That's quite an honor! And well deserved too!!

Wow, great job Bulent. I am signed up for the electronic version, made a copy of the cover page:

Hi Mark, Thank you for your feedback and making the effort to produce a copy of the cover page. You did a better job than I. Reef Keeping is a great magazine. I have been a member for a long time. You will also find Scotty's and Yano's articles in the past editions. Let me know if you cannot find their articles.

It seems October has been a great month for you, congratulations!!! I absolutely love your tank, and can see why you have achieved such great recognition. The video is super cool too, you are improving those skills. Outstanding work mate!
Cheers :)

Thanks Perry. Your feedback is much appreciated. The last summer was very hectic as I was given a short period to write up both articles. Editing video clips and incorporating sound tracks were something I had never done before. They required a steep learning curve.

I wondered if that was your tank in the Reef Hobbyist Mag!!!! Congrats man! That's quite an honor! And well deserved too!!


Thank you Wiskey for the kind words. I have pm'ed you the link as you requested.

Cheers :wavehand:
Today's test results:

PO4: 0.046 mg/L
NO3: 2.5 ppm

K: 420 ppm
Iodide: <= 0.06 ppm
Combined iodate and iodine: < 0.03

KH: 7 dKH
Ca: 445 ppm
Mg: 1330 ppm

Current daily dosing regimen:

TM Bacto-Balance: 1.6 ml
TM K+: 0.9 ml
TM A-: 2.5 ml
TM Elimi NP: 0.2 ml

All my corals are still growing and showing good polyp extension. The only issue I am having with them is that my Montipora setosa show "burnt" tips in isolated growth tips though its polyp extension and colouration seem fine (photos have been taken under blue+ and actinic):



I do not know why only this coral is affected whatever is causing this. Any ideas?
Awesome. :thumbsup:

Thank you Mark.

Very beautiful....
Congrats about the TOTM and the magazine are doing a great job on the reef.

Thank you Alex. I appreciate your positive feedback. I am trying to emulate what you and other past and present TOTM reefers like you achieved with your reefs, but in a much smaller scale. By the way, I absolutely loved your funky hat. Thanks for dropping in my Facebook page.:p
Bülent my congratulations!
You are hard worker and award is here , you are The Best of the Best in this month!
Your Reef is amazing!
Glad for you!

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