My Acro Collection


Been growing this out for awhile too, grow slow, but seems to be picking up the pace now.
This is it in low light, it was almost all orange when it was higher. I need to make some room so I can color it up again.
As a lover of leopard wrasses, have you ever kept some of the more exotic ones like the choati or kuiteri?
My lfs has occasionally gotten them in, but their survival rate seems abysmal.
So I didn't want to spend $150 just to see one of them slowly die in my tank. The other type of leopards seem to be a bit hardier. If I could get one that would live I wouldn't be opposed to getting one.
I work at an LFS, and am deeply in love with Macropharyngodons. I've never seen the choati or kuiteri though, and I've put in a request with a supplier to order me a pair when he gets the chance.

Another favourite is the Potter's. I find these are the most hardy of them all. Possibly due to their location.
I work at an LFS, and am deeply in love with Macropharyngodons. I've never seen the choati or kuiteri though, and I've put in a request with a supplier to order me a pair when he gets the chance.

Another favourite is the Potter's. I find these are the most hardy of them all. Possibly due to their location.
Maybe the potters is good for you, but not for me I am 4:1 with those, best luck with me are the meleagris. They learn to eat very fast, and like to swim in a group. My ratios with the leopards are
Potters 4:1
Meleagris 9:7
Blue star 5:2 maybe 3 we'll see how the new one does.
Ornate 5:1
Black 1:1
Do you know where your LFS sources the Potters? We get them from Rufus Kimura in Hawaii, and everything he ships out is top top quality.
Bizarre, QM usually has very high quality livestock.

We've probably brought in ~20 potters in the last year. I've had to keep some in the store as long as two months. I'd say we've sold 90% of the ones we've brought in, and I ensure all fish are eating before I sell them. Obviously I can't know if they do well outside of the store, but generally speaking, they take to prepared foods easily.
Yea, it could just be my luck with the fish.
It would be nice if they were hardier, they arent the best shippers and get really stressed.
It seems that wrasses in general, but that genus in particular, don't ship well. I wonder why, especially when other fish which are just as or more sensitive, ship better. I often see the fish have slimed themselves in the bag. I wonder if a bit of sand in the bag would make them more comfortable.

Given my love for them, and my want to have a pair (or more) of kuiter wrasses, I have been doing some research. I had come across this article a little while go, and maybe it could offer some insight as to why you haven't had stellar luck with your leopards.

Well, apparently they don't like the link so if you google "australian leopard wrasse quarantine technique", it should be the first result.
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It seems that wrasses in general, but that genus in particular, don't ship well. I wonder why, especially when other fish which are just as or more sensitive, ship better. I often see the fish have slimed themselves in the bag. I wonder if a bit of sand in the bag would make them more comfortable.

Given my love for them, and my want to have a pair (or more) of kuiter wrasses, I have been doing some research. I had come across this article a little while go, and maybe it could offer some insight as to why you haven't had stellar luck with your leopards.

Well, apparently they don't like the link so if you google "australian leopard wrasse quarantine technique", it should be the first result.
I read that article, it is quite interesting.
They light cycle is a big stresser for them. The maybe in the long run I will try it. But the main thing that kills them in my opinion is shipping and internal parasites.
Well, the blue star passed away, and haven't seen my other 2 meleagris leopards in awhile, but I haven't found their body or seen a congregation of snails yet so I'm still hopeful.

Here are some pictures.

RR Olympus
Getting nice colors now.


RR Garden of Eden
Getting orange polyps now.


RR Darkside
a real nice orange and purple. One of my favorite


RMF Diablo
Growing great now, ans is a super bright pink.
Nice as always!
Do you turn your pumps off for shooting?
I have often had wrasses spend the first day out but then go into the sand for a few days before coming out for long periods..
I don't turn off the pumps.
Well i found my other leopards they were in my other compartment of the sump so that is why I didn't see them.
Good to hear about the wrasses!
Sorry if I asked this already a few pages back.. What ISO do you generally shoot at?
I transferred all 4 of my leopards into my 220 today, very little aggression occurred except for my yellow wrasse but they should be fine. Hope it stays this way.
Still continue to show such amazing sps and photography skills. The amount of different pigments you manage to get out of, and capture, from each acro is stunning. The crimson and pretty in pink are killer