My Deal of a Lifetime on a 684G system locally!!!!!!!

He lost is job at the Ford plant and a couple months back they told him if he moved to florida hed have a job.. So he started working on his house and knowing he wasnt going to get to keep the setup he didnt replace the thinks needed, The RO filters are bad and bulbs. I am also guessing with that stress he just didnt care to much about cleaning the glass anymore..
Hair algae isnt hard to get rid of, leaning the acrylic will suck. and I am going to put the liverock in piece by piece to eliminate all pest anenomes. My big worry is moving the tank and keeping as much water as I am going to need...
good deal, but when you see spiderwebs on the return pump, that's usually not a good sign of the setup being taken care
good luck with the move.
I am in St. Louis MO..... I am keeping the tank in a pretty cold basement....

Good call on the webs, I might keep those with the deal if I can frag them off safely, hah
It looks like the acrylic on that tank is pretty ate-up with all the coralline. I doubt it will ever be very clear again, but then again--$2500 is a steal for that big of a set-up!

I actually buff cars for my part time job and I have buffed a few acrylic tanks after scrapping coraline off. It is a job but I can get it looking pretty good I think... I am not worried about a few scratches here and there, they are notorius.. I am going to use the novice compounds
Yellow room- laundry room
light blue- open floor
dark blue - the aquarium display room
dark green- bathroom
Gray- storage concret floor room for sump and equipment, also have a huge freezer and of course the hot water heater and all that stuff..
Big red doors are the basement walkout
Brown- upstairs entrance
black- nothing
thanks for all the posting would be nice to have it going. I am going to be delayed about 10 days. He is going to a wedding in florida and I am getting help with electrical for free a week from saturday..

Here's something I need help with... the 4x400w MH tank lights..

I plan on getting individual reflectors for them and building individual canopies or something.. Whats the best bang for the buck I can do? lumenarcs are nice, but where do I find them.. give me a bunch of options please and thank you????
I basically am starting from scratch with ballasts, bulbs and reflectors (already wired) I need to make good consistant individual canopies as I said.
lumenarch are great in my opinion but a little pricey ( coz im a cheap ) marine depot sells reef optics you can try those
will reef optics fit/support a 400w bulb? also does anyone know how you keep these cool? I may just setup two huge fans to blow over the top of the tank just to keep the temp down which is another concern. the tank will be in my basement, but with that kind of light will probably need a chiller still in the middle of the summer