I also am a victim of mis-identifying those damn majanoes. keep feeding them and watched em take over the tank. should have realized that hardly anything desirable grows that fast.
broke the tank down, and am going to do a foam rock/background wall.
heres a pic of my rock/foam wall in a little 5-g on the 1st day with water.
not a great pic, but this was made by laying the tank on its back, directly spaying the foam on the back wall, they pressing rocks and sand/course gravel into the foam.
as the foam expanded i would press more and more sand into it, creating a very solid wall. you can also mold the background better once you get a slurry of substrate and foam going. when dried hardly any foam was exposed, and it felt very solid and was very porous. this nano ran for about a year with no problems, livestock was fine and no disintegration of the foam.
the plan for my big foam background would be the same-no epoxy, just lots of substrate pressed into the wet foam, except obviously built it outside the tank first.
though i would post this since i saw several people ask the question about no epoxy, and applying sand to the wet foam.
will post some pics after some progress is made.