My DIY Rock/Foam Reef

LOL........ That's why I ran out while she was at work. I was gonna say "Hey baby look what followed me home. Aren't they cute? Can we keep em?"
Here's what I've read so far from Tiggsy / Kannin / YouSmellsFishy / Fishincpola (these are the notes from foam thread builds I've found so far)...

1) get GREAT STUFF POND FOAM, not a cheap or convenient substitute, not "some foamy s**t in a can." Get the real deal. Why? It resists UV breakdown and is already designed for safe applications with aquatic life. Salinity sounds irrelevant in its use.

2) get VINYLESTER RESIN - get "dairy" or "food grade" if you can find it. Its available online. I think TAP plastics carries it too (along with others listed)

Then follow their directions...

I'm strongly considering building a how-to webpage with everyone's (solid) advice. That way, we could point to it as people start to explore this incredible new aquascaping option.

I'm building foam I've decided, too.

I'll check in with people RE: using pics. Thanks everyone pushing this envelope in the hobby. It makes perfect sense to me from everything Ive seen and read. I just hope it doesn't eventually get soggy/melt/create strange blooms. It seems the Great Stuff and Vinyl ester resin in enough quantity would do that, as safely as it gets. Please correct me if Im wrong or missed anything - I'm getting ready to do this soon. :)
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I just finished my foam/rock wall project.
It's not in the tank yet, I hope to install it this weekend.

I learned a lot and will start a thread with lots of pictures and
suggestions, hopefully later on tonight.
just wanted to say awesome thread and kudos to the guys taking the chance on something new- it's people like you that are taking this hobby to new heights.

a buddy and i decided to try this out on a 150 and 90 gallon and wanted to make sure what products to get. so is there a consensus for the types of foam and finishing epoxy to use? great stuff seems to be a name that comes up pretty often and so does this pond foam. is any one more "reef safe"?

as for the vinylester... what is the name of the product to use, and where would i be able to find it?

thanks in advance... let's keep the results and pics coming!
Speckled Grouper - very nice; plz post a link in here. I subscribe to as many foam threads as I can.

microbubbles - I think its somewhere in this thread. You may have to do a search. I'm no expert on any of this - I just follow and am trying to give you a summary of what I've read RE: recommendations.

I think vinyl ester is used with surfboards, so it might be designed to repel saltwater and hopefully isn't evil stuff on corals. If it is, Surfriders better hear about it.
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Here's some updated shots...


Now this is cool. I have been reading alot about the foam rock over the last few days. I may give it ago on the new tank that I have coming.
This tank looks super. I like it alot.

This thread has inspired me to build my own. While it is a WIP I do have pics to post when I finally do my build thread :) I have my egg-crate skeleton all done up. I have a can of Foam. I have a Bag of sand. Just waiting to get like 40lb of Rock to break up :)
It would have been cool to run fiber optic in the foam so that at night you could have had random sparkle of color fade in and
does anyone know of a paint that you could use on the foam? I made a branch out of the foam for my seahorses and I would like it to be orange.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13081796#post13081796 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvanoverbeke
does anyone know of a paint that you could use on the foam? I made a branch out of the foam for my seahorses and I would like it to be orange.


I think your safest bet would be several coats of a colored concrete. Paint just might not make it in the Salt Water
My aquascaped 110

My aquascaped 110

It's been a long time coming but it's finally done. Here are a few pics of my 110g. I'll start a build thread if there is any interest.

This is the finished product

Set up and ready for water

First Dry set up
My aquascaped 110

My aquascaped 110

It's been a long time coming but it's finally done. Here are a few pics of my 110g. I'll start a build thread if there is any interest.

This is the finished product

Set up and ready for water

First Dry set up