Vinnie71975, momentary laps... glad you're back.
vikusik, 'nough said... thanks.
ed102475, I would love to see them... are you close to being done?
yousmellsfishy, I can't wait for lovestock either... I'm really looking forward to fish swimming around the pillars. I'm running out of photo ops.
turtleman10, Because the foam expands so much... less is more. When filling the gaps, I tried to leave some room for it to expand. There are a few places where I over did it but, the sand seems to do a good job of masking mistakes. As far as the caves and pass throughs go... I built them first and then completed the rest of the structure. I picked out the most intersting rocks to make focal points with at the beginning. There was more than one time, where I took a piece off and started over.