my house reef (211 g.)

is anyone else using the prodibio getting results?.. i have been uing it for alomst 2 months and i dont see any changes...
just wondering.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7502363#post7502363 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77
is anyone else using the prodibio getting results?.. i have been uing it for alomst 2 months and i dont see any changes...
just wondering.

I started it last week. I do not really expect to see any different results in color until I start using ZeoSpur2 since my system was already fairly low nutrients PO4 .01 (Hanna Colorimeter) Nitrate 2.5ppm (Salifert). We'll see in 6-8 weeks.

melev has been using it for a while now.

I've seen some good color changes with the use of Prodobio and some of the Zeovit additives (like Iwan's using). The problem is the ones I've seen the color changes on I didn't get before pictures so I can't really show the difference...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7141716#post7141716 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by iwan
Thank you!

I have started with fragments. The growth rate is 3 cm/month.

The pictures show a comparison of the tank. Image 1: initial phase with few stone corals. Notice the reference corals.

The current situation:
iwan, what is the time line from the first picture to the next? It looks like it would be a couple of years. secondly the lighting color looks to be more yellow on the first picture. did you change the spectrum or type of lighting? also, with such a low nutrient level how often do you have to wipe the glass on the tank?
hey iwan I noticed your sand is pretty clean do you stir it ? if so how often and if not what critters do you have running around the bottom.
as always awesome pics I wish my camera made my tank look like that. ;)
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What kind of coral is this?

I can only hope some day


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7501453#post7501453 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by iwan


[ [/B]
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7503010#post7503010 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by h20cooled
I've seen some good color changes with the use of Prodobio and some of the Zeovit additives (like Iwan's using). The problem is the ones I've seen the color changes on I didn't get before pictures so I can't really show the difference...


i know that the zeo procucts work as since i have stopped using them my coral color decreased.. but i have been dosing prodibio continueously for over 2 months and there i dont see a change... i just started using the zeo products again and i can see the color coming back the color is nothing like Iwans tank but still....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7503420#post7503420 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefsahoy
iwan, what is the time line from the first picture to the next? It looks like it would be a couple of years. secondly the lighting color looks to be more yellow on the first picture. did you change the spectrum or type of lighting? also, with such a low nutrient level how often do you have to wipe the glass on the tank?

The time line from the pics is two years. As you've seen I changed the lighting. On the first I had MH's in combination with T8 blue light. And the second pic shows the current T5 lighting. I wipe the glass once per week.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7504129#post7504129 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by onetrickpony
What kind of coral is this?

I can only hope some day


Good question. I don't know the science name. I recieved it as" Acropora table tricolor"
I hold not only a product responsible for the success. Prodibio helps me at my success. But the absolute miracle tincture is not found yet.

Every successful SPS coral-reef with good colors require a nutrient-poor environment, optimim intense lighting, available essential traces, balanced water composition & appropriate coralfood. Probiotic approaches to low-nutrient waters functions best when sufficient bacterial surfaces are present for colonization & density.

And still it needs the most important ingredient for the coordination of all these components: A "salty" thumb and a scrap of luck.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7503529#post7503529 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by robthorn
hey iwan I noticed your sand is pretty clean do you stir it ? if so how often and if not what critters do you have running around the bottom.
as always awesome pics I wish my camera made my tank look like that. ;)

I have a DSB and the golden rule for that is: Don't touch it!
I never stir the sand!

in one of your previous posts you mention periodicaly siphoning and replacing some sand? do you still do this?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7505830#post7505830 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by VCoo71

in one of your previous posts you mention periodicaly siphoning and replacing some sand? do you still do this?


Charli, I remove the topmost layer of sand once a year and add some bags of sand. The sand amount decreases because argonite is dissolved out. Therefore I must add sporadically some new sand.