my house reef (211 g.)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7375886#post7375886 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by marilynrn711
What is KB?

....and K ballance is a potassium suplement. Potassium is a major element that can't be tested through hobbyists test kits (yet). Potassium is used by gardeners to strengthen the color of flowers.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7377272#post7377272 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TryTheChi
....and K ballance is a potassium suplement. Potassium is a major element that can't be tested through hobbyists test kits (yet). Potassium is used by gardeners to strengthen the color of flowers.

A potassium test will be available soon (Korallenzucht).
I tried a potassium supplement just to see if there was a cheaper way than the zeo stuff but it made my tank break out with a bad case of hair algea. it was for freshwater use and may contain iron or any # of other things. it said potassium something and was a big waste of money but now anyone thinking of trying another brand hopefully will know better. I have not tried the k balance because I just can't see adding it if I don't know I need it. I use tropic marin pro and regular mixed half and half so I don't think potassium should be that low but who knows.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7378023#post7378023 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by robthorn
I tried a potassium supplement just to see if there was a cheaper way than the zeo stuff but it made my tank break out with a bad case of hair algea. it was for freshwater use and may contain iron or any # of other things. it said potassium something and was a big waste of money but now anyone thinking of trying another brand hopefully will know better. I have not tried the k balance because I just can't see adding it if I don't know I need it. I use tropic marin pro and regular mixed half and half so I don't think potassium should be that low but who knows.

Hi Rob - Someone elsewhere on RC did an analysis of salt composition and seachem reef salt came out the best for alk/ca/mg/ph ballance and also had the highest potassium levels near sea water. However - I'v found seachem to be a little too high in Alk so now mix it 50/50 with TM. Some other brands came out poor for potassium.

Indictors for potassium use are week color, stn on montis etc so its not nececarily a routine additive, unless there is a visable indicator of a deficiency or a history of deficiency that indicates the need for routine use. Will be good when KS bring out thier test. IME using the zeo KB, I have had no problems with algae etc, but am going to cut down a little now as the darkening in some sps maybe due to too much KB dosage.

Iwan how are you finding the KS salt?


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I love it. Although it needs a little time until the salt has dissolved. But time needs everything at our hobby:D I look forward to the new salt. This shall be even better.
I would love to see the thread about the levels in different salts, I looked around but could not find anything.

As for the KB, I've been using it in my tank now for about a month and I've had no adverse effects from it.

IO...............................low Ca, low Mg, unpredictablely high dkh
Oceanic.......................high Ca, high Mg, low dkh
Crystal sea.................don't use at all, damages sps
Aquacraft products.... OK Ca, low Mg, OK dkh
Kent............................OK Ca, slightly low Mg, OK dkh
Tropic Marin.................OK Ca, OK Mg, OK dkh
Oceanpure..................OK Ca, OK Mg, OK dkh

Salt Data
The only thing that I have been unable to find out is the potassium level for Oceanpure which is the salt that I use, which isn't on that list...

Oceanpure is a somewhat newer salt and I think that is why it is not covered in that article. I guess the best way to find out would be to send a sample to a lab, but since you can't test for potassium yourself, you wouldn't know when it has been depleted anyway right? What about getting food grade potassium from a pharmacy?
Yeah Oceanpure is pretty new, I'm adding potassium with Zeovit, I just don't want to add to much or to little.


nevermind I remember that study and how false I think it is. just my opinion of course. are our test kits so far off from electonic meters? I used to test I.O. all the time and calcium was around 380 now I use Tm and it's about the same distance off.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7379023#post7379023 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by robthorn
are our test kits so far off from electonic meters?

Its hard to say - but from what I'v read the hobbyist reagent test kits are an indicator of trends rather than provide an acurate empirical value. Maybe Habib could chip in if he's reading this? For potassium though, its observation that is the indicator at the moment. Re PO4 values - maybe Floridot has his Meric kit now and can report on those results compared with the lab tests?


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7379271#post7379271 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TryTheChi
Re PO4 values - maybe Floridot has his Meric kit now and can report on those results compared with the lab tests?



Actually, I never received the Merck kit, and am now at the point where I really don't care enough to reorder it. If anyone reading this has a Merck kit in south Florida and would like to sample my water, I can collect a lab sample at the same time to compare the results. It's really not worth $100 for me at this point.
Re: Gardening

Re: Gardening

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7363079#post7363079 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by iwan
I had to do gardening after the vacation.
Some corals had to be replaced, some corals had to be trimmed.

As always, your tank looks fabulous. I want to know why you had to replace corals? The tank has changed a lot since November.






it looks like replace means move to another part of the tank like re-place. the stag is moved from right to back left center. we are in different countries and speak differently.