my house reef (211 g.)

Hi Iwan,

Really nice pics. Your tank is a living example of your success.

About the sand bed:

You say you don't want to disturb the sandbed, but do you have any "sand sifters?" Any brittle starfish, sandsifting gobies, sand burrowing wrasses, cucumbers, nassarius snails, etc?

I ask because I have heard from many people who have a DSB that you should never touch the sand because you will disturb the low oxygen bacteria, and on the other hand, I have heard others say that they constantly stir and have creatures that stir their DSB. Both methods seems to produce fantastic results? What do you think, and why does it seem both methods work?

If you were going to add only 2-3 of the Zeo Products to the French products, which would you use?
Okay, I think I found them.
Pohl's Coral Vitalizer
Zeo Amino Acids High Concentrate

All added daily?
hey rob he has a time shedule on the first page of this thread after it split. about half way down. I didn't see zeostart anymore though. i think the other 2 were daily though and prodibio as directed.
What are the Abbrev. names

What are the Abbrev. names


I'm ready to enter stage 2 in the "Iwan Methodology" to Reef Keeping and need to purchase more products listed on your excel spreadsheet.

What are the abbreviation names of the products and are you still using anything else not mentioned..... My 180 tank is starting to look good and the frags are growing fast under the T5's. Now let's get them to color up....


Re: What are the Abbrev. names

Re: What are the Abbrev. names

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7511498#post7511498 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ps8411

I'm ready to enter stage 2 in the "Iwan Methodology" to Reef Keeping and need to purchase more products listed on your excel spreadsheet.

What are the abbreviation names of the products and are you still using anything else not mentioned..... My 180 tank is starting to look good and the frags are growing fast under the T5's. Now let's get them to color up....



Hi Scott

sorry for not replying to your email

AAHC is amino acid high concentrate
CV = phols coral vitaliser
KB -= k ballance
bb = b ballance
PIF = pottassium iodiide flouride
PSG = pocci stylo glow

Just a word of caution re the spur 2 - its super powerful and can really harm sps if not used as per the zeo guide v1.02 so they suggest titrating the dose up gradually and only when all else is inline and stable. I'v only used it twise so far - very little effect first dose and 2 weeks later a marked effect at only 60% - I missed the last scheduled dosage last week to be safe as one or 2 frags looked a little 'thin' and because of below:

In relation to the nightsun - I havent restarted dosing sinse the I stopped because some sps seemed to go dark even at 10% of the recomended levels. I'll restart at some point - but still learning the 'salty thumb' with the zeo elements for stage 3.

After 5 months into the Iwan method, my results are nowhere near Iwans fabulous results - but IMO thats just a question of time and knowledge of cause and effect. Looking back - I think I maybe overdid it on some of the stage 3 elements, so I'm pulling back in line with the less is more principle. The tank is certainly looking better than if I did just w/c.

I'v also stopped the prodi elements and started the zeo basic 4 as per the zeo guide using the I Aquatic zeo reactor - just to compare these two methods with first hand experience. The main reason for trying zb4 is to see for myself if taking ammonia out before the bacs can go to work has any advantage and, more importantly IMO, if the mulm shaken off the zeolites has any benefits for coral feeding/ growth/color.

Its only 2 weeks in - but here are my impressions:

Prodi is cheaper and easier to apply, but after the cost of the zeo reactor , on-going running costs of zb4 looks to be only a little higher on my size tank. The daily dosing isnt convienient if you want the dose and forget advantages of prodi, but I personally dont mind it.

Flow rate through the reactor is critical - the first night a couple of frags had nearly bleached until I turn the flow right down - but they are recovering.

PE is better after shaking the zeolites on a daily basis, but not as extensive as after booster is added (which I'v stopped also to go purely by the zeo book). This makes sense given twise daily shakes compared with weekly dosing.

NO3 and PO4 readings are the same ie 0.

Color - no difference yet (too early to tell though)

Growth seem a little faster.

4.5 months to go with ZB4 then I can tell which approach works better for me:D



Ps Superb pics again Iwan - makes me green with envy:lol:
Is there ever gonna be a prodibio board?

I dunno where to ask so I'll ask here, hope you don't mind. ;-)

My tank is about 120G water volume total. I have Biodigest & Bioptim. What should my dosage be? I was thinking of one Biodigest and two Bioptim ampules but I'm not sure if that's too much. That would be every two weeks. I also add Zeovit AAHC and CV just about every day. My tank is very low nutrients already.

Thanks in advance,

My tank is about 140 gallons total and I'm going to be dosing the following:

Digest 1 per 14 days
Optim 3 per 14 days
Booster 1.5 vials per week

I also add AAs 1x per week.

Anyone who is currently dosing prodibio, can you give me a run down on how to dose. I.e., mix it in a cup of ro/di water, salt, etc., turn off the skimmer, remove the filter sock, etc.



Doses attached. 26 usgs = 100lts

Mix in a cup of tank water - not ro/di, skimmer off 15 mins, if a micron filter sock - prob best to take it off.

AAHC and CV need to be doses according to the look of the corals ie if the tissue looks thin and whitish feed em:)




all those using polyplab watch out for overdosing. I am not sure but I find no other explanation. I started having alot of algea and bright green diatom looking stuff and red cyano. I stopped dosing all the polyplab stuff a few days and things are clearing up. I looked at the bottle yesterday and noticed I have used twice as much acids as anything else. I have been dosing everything drop for drop. never this one day and not all the others also. I guess the drops come out larger than the others maybe it is thinner or something. if for some reason you end up with the same problems this may be the cause. I would check the volume left in each bottle.
sorry iwan to for hijacking your thread I just know alot of people on this thread have started using the polyplab products and may need some usefull info.
hope this helps someone out there.
There has got to be a better way to open those Optim ampules. I cut my thumb on the first one, the other 2 were pretty painful since I was anticipating getting cut again.

I ended up covering the ampule with a towel and trying to snap off the top without losing any product.

Anyone got any ideas on how to not lose a thumb?

I use the rubber tubing as well. And risk getting cut when I have to pick up all the empty ampules.

There is a message board forum specifically for Prodibio on, so just poke around and you'll find it.
Melve you could do a video for your next podcast. I'v not experienced being cut or grazed- when my camera is fixed I'll do a short vid and post it here.

Robthorn - those syptoms are similar to the zb4 OD symptoms, so its good news that the bac blooms are so fast in appearing - shows the product works! :)
not sure how fast I was 7 weeks in before I started seeing any signs. if I add iron to my tank it will only take a couple days for algea growth so I think the polyplab is pretty weak which is good but I think when I run out I will jst pay the extra money and get the zeo stuff.
how long on average would it take a brown acropora or sps type coral to get color if it were put in a tank with properties like iwans? I know it differs depending on type of coral but average time?
how long on average would it take a brown acropora or sps type coral to get color if it were put in a tank with properties like iwans? I know it differs depending on type of coral but average time?