my house reef (211 g.)

it looks like replace means move to another part of the tank like re-place. the stag is moved from right to back left center. we are in different countries and speak differently.
I've been using both (Prodobio & Zeovit) and it has had not affect on either of my clams. If I remember right Iwan also has clams in his tank...

Yeah I knew he had a couple of them. Clams should be fine, and I would venture to say they will be better off...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7413934#post7413934 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by robthorn
it looks like replace means move to another part of the tank like re-place. the stag is moved from right to back left center. we are in different countries and speak differently.

Oh Gosh............I hope ya don't think I circled those corals. That is a pic that Iwan posted (with circles) back in April. The language barrier! Had not thought of that.

I am nortorious for re-arranging too but Iwan's April pic, to me, was supreme.
nope I have been following this thread a long time also and remember when he posted them and knew he circled them. we all rearrange too much probably. trying to find room for a new coral probably.
Which Zeo products are needed for the complete "hybrid" method? All I can find are a half dozen abbreviations.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7421856#post7421856 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by robwsup
Which Zeo products are needed for the complete "hybrid" method? All I can find are a half dozen abbreviations.

Hi Rob
Here are the names for the abbreviations of the Zeo products

PSG - Pocci-Stylo-Glow
AAHC - Amino Acids
CV - Pohl's Coral Vitalizer
PIF - Potassium Iodide Flouride
KB ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ K-Balance (Potassium)

Iwan or anyone else who may know.. how high do you keep your T5's from the water on your tank?

the point behind t5's is that you can place them almost right on top of the water with out adding much heat. 6-10 is usual
mike I think it is against rc rules for him to answer that here. you might want to call him or email him. just speaking from experience and how things have been done to me even though I am not even affiliated with an aquarium store.
all zeo products come in to the USA exclusively through captive oceans.. they may be your best best for the best prices for Zeovit materials....
I've bought mine from when I looked around the prices were the same from him and captive oceans. I have a feeling that the prices are set kind of like the Tunze prices.

Yup, CO sets the prices so that none of the etailers can corner the market. ZEO products are the same price no matter where you get them from, in the US anyways. They are a lot cheaper in Europe.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7441800#post7441800 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coraladdict
From what I can see Iwan doesn't have any sump and has two Tunze power heads for circulation.
Am I right on this?

yup no sump on his tank..
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