my house reef (211 g.)

Thanks Mark,
Say, after looking through your website I decided to have a new sump/fuge/prop tank built. I have a guy in Denver building it for me. It is 72x36x18 and has a total of 7 divided sections. I will send you a pic as soon as I get it.
Also, are you and how long have you been using Prodibio?
Hi Steve. Sounds like a huge sump. Nice! 7 sections? You might want to send me the layout via email in case those zones are too small. I find that many small compartments lead to microbubble troubles.

I started earlier this year, but kind of stopped about 8 weeks ago, I believe. I still have the product, but pulled back on this while I focused on some issues in the tank.
As previously posted my new tank has now went full cycle.I added 5 bottles of digest as prescribed on the box then the next added 1 bottle of bioptim.The digest/bioptim realy helped finish the cycle , the nitrite went from a very level and two days later 0 nitrites.whow!
Would it still be normal though to go through an algal bloom even with the addition of digest and biotim?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8157541#post8157541 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coraladdict
As previously posted my new tank has now went full cycle.I added 5 bottles of digest as prescribed on the box then the next added 1 bottle of bioptim.The digest/bioptim realy helped finish the cycle , the nitrite went from a very level and two days later 0 nitrites.whow!
Would it still be normal though to go through an algal bloom even with the addition of digest and biotim?

I dont know - as I'v not tried setting up with Prodi, but alage blooms are related to nutrient availablility, so its likely that any bloom would be shorter and sweeter with Prodi than without, as the first bloom will relate to no3 at the end of the ammonia/nitrite stages, and colapse when all no3 is used up. The next bloom feeds off the decay from the previous bloom and so on. I would suggest using a PO4 removing media during this first phase just to be sure the po4 is leaving the water with the media rather than being bound to the LR or sand to be released later. "Profelatic cooking":D

IME I still experienced some algae succession for higher algaes, but nothing that was of any concern.


Hey Simon

I was wondering if you were ever able to get to the bottom of why bubble algea ( large bubbles green in color) seems to be more of a problem in systems with better water quality .

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8185157#post8185157 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DARKSILENTTYPE
Hey Simon

I was wondering if you were ever able to get to the bottom of why bubble algea ( large bubbles green in color) seems to be more of a problem in systems with better water quality .



no I havent unfortunately - I'm not even sure if valonia as a marker for good water quality is an old wives tale or not.:lol: Thankfully, the issue is quieting down in my tank and I leave a few pieces to grow large beacuse I like the look of them, and they seem quite attractive to visitors. The only area that still sufferes is the wave box housing which also has sps growing over it, and I havent taken it yet to pick the bubbles off - something for the w/e. There is very little spread now in other parts of the tank.

How are you finding digest/tpim instead of zb4 a few months down the road?


I'm getting great growth and everything is well except for the valonia is still a issue . Was hoping maybe you found something of interest . I have noticed if I use a turkey baster to blow off the live rock daily it helps create mum in the water colume which is a good thing .

You want to see a two week turn around of my newest coral in my tank ?

Coral Change 8- 25-06 To 09-17-06
Just sharing




my valonia problem seems to be tapering off, but when I pull a rock out for some reason, I often find tiny ones in clusters. The mythrax crabs have not done their job!!
I have not found anything that will touch it . I just keep removing it and blowing down the rocks daily so nothing stays in the cracks to grow more .

hey guys i have a quick question for you all. I have ran 2 doses of Biodi and tim and the third will be On thursday. did i read on here that you shouldnt start reef booster till your Nitrates are zero. mine are above that but still coming down. i dont want a out break or anything else. what do you guys suggest?
hey guys i have a quick question for you all. I have ran 2 doses of Biodi and tim and the third will be On thursday. did i read on here that you shouldnt start reef booster till your Nitrates are zero. mine are above that but still coming down. i dont want a out break or anything else. what do you guys suggest?
hey guys i have a quick question for you all. I have ran 2 doses of Biodi and tim and the third will be On thursday. did i read on here that you shouldnt start reef booster till your Nitrates are zero. mine are above that but still coming down. i dont want a out break or anything else. what do you guys suggest?
best to ask in the Prodibio thread as the creator of this thread no longer posts here...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8297158#post8297158 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by messy1messmer
hey guys i have a quick question for you all. I have ran 2 doses of Biodi and tim and the third will be On thursday. did i read on here that you shouldnt start reef booster till your Nitrates are zero. mine are above that but still coming down. i dont want a out break or anything else. what do you guys suggest?

Hi Steve

Using Prodi Inspired by Iwan's old tank like the rest of us?:)

I'v never had a problem with booster causing alage difficulties , but some have - so it may be sensible to hold off until NO3 and po4 are undetectable.

