<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8643258#post8643258 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coraladdict
Hi TryTheChi
My current tank is 320 lt net 18" deep with DSB and LR that takes up ± 5/8 of the space .I have a Tek T-5 8 lamp fixture 4-5 " above the water,do you think it's too much?
Also, I have been dosing biodigest and bioptim since the beginning about 2.5 months ago do you think it's too early to see any benifits? The reason I ask is that I have some diatoms.
Lastly when do you recommend I start useing reefbooster and amino acid? My tank contains a few sps,lps and crocea clams.
Thanks in advance.
Do Teks have individual reflectors? I dont think we can provide too much light for sps..... when the sun shines on my tank in the afternoon - 12 T5s can hardly be noticed

If that amount of light has contributed to a alage outbreak - I'd suggest the thing to focus on is the nutrient reduction dimention, rather than lighting reduction
RE the biodigest and tpim - the speed of effect seem to vary from tank to tank - depending on the nutrient accumulation/nutrient input and export. I saw some of my sps begining to color up nicely at arround 6 weeks - but other have reported waiting for 4-6 months before seeing a marked improvement. I take it you arent?
If not - it maybe worth speeding things along by being attentive to skimmer cleaning and getting a wet skimmate, adding rowaphos or similar to take our sequestered po4 and water changes. A friend of mine with a big algae problem did some large water changes to see the back of the algae and break the back of stored nutrients in the dsb and LR.
Are the ca/dkh/mg params in line and steady?
In my case, I took rowa off line at arround 3 monrths and po4 has remained undetectable by a merck test ever since, but my tank was BB and young when I started dosing. (Its DSB now - as I like the look better)
Personally - i would consider starting with reefbooster when the sps start to indicate that your tank is becomming nutrient limited - ie when some show signs for lightening up/ heading towards bleaching.
Refbooster contains AAs but one has to dose once a week , so the value of adding a daily AAs specific supplement would be if once weekly RB dosing isnt enough.
Theres an interesting thread in the sps forum on feeding vs AA dosing, and I think the thing is to get the feel for whats needed in your reef. Claude from FM calls it 'cooking' - the art of blending ingreadients..... I like that analogy.
Personally I like the zeo AAHC because I can adjust the dose depending on how the coral look - so its quite a flexable option. Others take the 'feed hard skim harder' approach - so I guess its just finding an appraoch that feels comfortable and flexable.
Anyways -hang in there - the time will come when you will be happy with the approach to date - then the fun starts with tweaking with major and monor elements....:mixed: