my house reef (211 g.)

Yes, I posted my observations in my 280g thread and on Rob's forum. I need to go copy & paste it here and to my Blog. Thanks for the reminder.

EDIT: <b>Day 7 - observation</b>

I dosed a few vials of Prodibio seven days ago. The water is quite clear. The algae that grows on the glass was 'thin', enough of an eye sore that I used a cleaning magnet to scrub it off. It was a little harder to remove than usual, but I don't think I've cleaned the glass in a week.

Coral-wise, the livestock looks good and even areas that Tucker has chewed up are regrowing tissue. Some nuisance algae that was growing on one Scripps acro is now receeding, to maybe 25% of what it was. Other corals look good to me. The fish seem the same. No diatoms on the sand; it looks clean. The skimmer isn't pulling out as much skimmate as it has in the past.

No further dosing is required until a week from tomorrow according to my spreadsheet.
Mark- Nice tank! I;m excited to see the tank your building for mike!

"As I sit here reading over the past 50 posts chewing up tootsie roll after tootsie roll, washing it down with nice cold RO water, my eyes glaze over...." :lol:

I read that and I nearly double over with laghter lol...then whent to buy a toblerone...:lol:
Marc, love the new signature line!:D "Huh"-that is exactly how I feel when reading some of the above posts! Several of them I had to reread a couple times and still not sure I understood them. Thanks for simplifying some of it.
Thanks Carla. I just removed it now, so for anyone wondering why this conversation doesn't make sense, just keep moving. There's nothing to see here. ;)
Not to get off topic, but whats a blog? I'm a young man, but I hear all the yunger whipper snappers tossing this term around.
A blog is a way to share your thoughts with others on the web. There is a free site by google called that many people choose to use.

I use it as well. Once the submit button has been hit, it creates a new page that is uploaded to my own site, where people can read it if they so choose.
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum but not to the hobby and like Mark I am amazed with the way this forum has become so scientific! Mark, I am also chewing my Cuban pastelitos here in Miami while I read the postings, just FYI I am a big fanatic of your podcast, can't wait for episode 6.
My question may sound lazy but I will like some help choosing some Prodivio products, I will like to give them a try it sounds truly amazing. My tank is a 210gal mostly SPS's and it is doing fine all around no PO, godd calcium, alkalinity, mag......etc.
The color of my corals aren't what they use to be when first introduced and I think this products could help me.......Can anyone make some recommendations? Thank you in advance.

Rogger Castells
Iwan, That is the best tank I've ever seen bar none. It is truly every hobbiest dream to accomplish a tank as spectacular as yours. I would like to ask you
1. did you start with sps frags and what is the growth rate on average.
2. do you have any pictures of your tank at it's beginning?

Well I recieved my Zeovit products today. I have the ZeoStart2, Pohl's K-Balance, AminoAcids, and Pohl's Coral Vital. I'm going to start off very slow with all of them and what to see changes and go from there.

I've went back to the every other day feeding of fish and no coral food or Reef Booster. I will not add the Reef Booster until I start seeing improvements with the coral colors.

One huge improvement that I have noticed with my 30G softy tank and the Prodobio products is the complete loss of all algae. I had hair algae growing on the overflow box and some red bubble algae growing on the rocks. Well they are all gone now, so it the macro algae in the sump...
Soon that will be the new cure for GHA in all tanks. I can hear the sales pitches already. :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7132190#post7132190 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefsahoy
Iwan, That is the best tank I've ever seen bar none. It is truly every hobbiest dream to accomplish a tank as spectacular as yours. I would like to ask you
1. did you start with sps frags and what is the growth rate on average.
2. do you have any pictures of your tank at it's beginning?


Thank you!

I have started with fragments. The growth rate is 3 cm/month.

The pictures show a comparison of the tank. Image 1: initial phase with few stone corals. Notice the reference corals.

The current situation:
Every time I see it I'm amazed. So where is everyone getting these Prodibio products? I forgot. :)