my house reef (211 g.)

I got mine from fragfarmer also. I would check to see if there are any dealers in Japan first. I would be suprised if nobody in Japan was using ZEO products.
Just to clarify. This is the Coral Vitaliser?


And this is the Amino Acid product?


Holy Dollars Batman!
Question for the Coral Vitalizer users.

Mine has a sediment on the bottom and some solids encrusted on the top inside bottle, which will not come off by shaking. The settled solids go into suspension with shaking.

Is this normal?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7169709#post7169709 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
Just to clarify. This is the Coral Vitaliser?

Holy Dollars Batman!

Yes thats them - cheaper if you buy from europe - esp if posting to Japan.

> Coralline Technologies - Hong Kong - China have it and theres a stockist in Tywan.


Don't know if most realize it but the Coral Vitalizer must be refridgerated after opening. I know it doesn't say this on the bottle:( Found this out from reading the Guide for the Zeovit System. I didn't find this out til I'd been using it for about a week. Hope it is still good. HTH someone else.
That is true, I'm a long way away from anything close to the color that he is getting.

I'm getting a little frustrated with my results so far, my bonsai (purple with green polyps) is actually looking more brown. I'm starting to wonder if I'm underfeeding now because it is quite lite in color. I used the ZeoStart2 for about a week and I'm stopping because I'm worried it is effecting my SPS in a negative way. I was only using .2ml twice a day for a total system volume of 50 gallons. I also stopped the Prodobio Reef Booster for a couple of weeks, but after seeing the continued lightening I added some on Sunday. So, here is what I'm doing now:

Bioptim- every 2 weeks.
Bio Digest- every 15 days.
Reef Booster- weekly.

Aminoacid conzentrate- 2 drops daily.
Pohl's K-balance 2ml daily.
Pohl's Coral vit- 2 drops daily

Water changes weekly 5 gallons.
Active carbon in fluidized chamber.
Heavy skimming.
Feed fish every other day.

Tank parameters:
pH: 7.8 to 8.1
CA: 420
Alk: 8
temp: 79 to 80
Mag: 1220
other parameters (P04, etc...) zero.

Here are a couple of pics as examples they are all from today. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it very much.



Bonsia that I'm losing color in:


Example of 2 SPS that look great in though...

Those do look great although I think their missing body color IMO . I feel the bottom one should have a tan/yellowish green body with those purple tips.

BTW the bonsai I feel needs nutrients to stay rich purple anything less and it does what yours has done. I lost all but 5 frags of mine and it was due to the lowering of nutrients in my sps tank.The frags in my not so nutirent poor prop tank are super deep purple with extream green polyps.

IMO It looks like you need more feedings.
h20cooled, those do look like coral colors from a nutrient poor tank. So the Prodibio is working. Now it is time to "tweak" the colors. One thing you should be able to do is slowly ramp up your feedings to see how much you can import while still maintaining low nutrient conditions. BTW, what are you using to measure PO4?
Actually that last coral is looking exactly like it is supposed to and I couldn't be more thrilled with its colors (its 1 of the Tyree LE corals)

I do agree that the corals look like that are in to low of nutrients, but I'm not an expert by any means.

As for PO4 tests I've been using the Saltfert test which I know from reading are exactly acurate.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7171328#post7171328 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Travis
h20cooled, those do look like coral colors from a nutrient poor tank. So the Prodibio is working. Now it is time to "tweak" the colors. One thing you should be able to do is slowly ramp up your feedings to see how much you can import while still maintaining low nutrient conditions. BTW, what are you using to measure PO4? [/QUOTI agree.

I agree with Travis.

Rich, the corals look great! How long on Prodibio?

clkwrk lives in my area so we are always talking about the nutrient poor system and are sorta coming to the conclusion that maybe a better way to approach this is a nutrient balanced system. We also both have certain corals we feel would look much better with more nutrients. To me, this is where coral selection comes in and maybe we can't have one of everything with them all looking great.

We both have what some are calling the Texas Monster, we call it 'lil purple guy :), anyways, that piece looks SAD in my tank. Takes up a lot of real estate too. :(
OH....and Salifert's test kit is not that bad IF you can see the color. Try using another vile with plain tank water for reference. Put both viles on a piece of white paper. It helps. Ya get any hint of blue (even from the side) ya probably have more PO4 than ya want.

I use their kit in between times when I use clkwrk's colormeter.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7170817#post7170817 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by h20cooled
That is true, I'm a long way away from anything close to the color that he is getting.

I'm getting a little frustrated with my results so far, my bonsai (purple with green polyps) is actually looking more brown. I'm starting to wonder if I'm underfeeding now because it is quite lite in color. I used the ZeoStart2 for about a week and I'm stopping because I'm worried it is effecting my SPS in a negative way. I was only using .2ml twice a day for a total system volume of 50 gallons. I also stopped the Prodobio Reef Booster for a couple of weeks, but after seeing the continued lightening I added some on Sunday. So, here is what I'm doing now:

Bioptim- every 2 weeks.
Bio Digest- every 15 days.
Reef Booster- weekly.

Aminoacid conzentrate- 2 drops daily.
Pohl's K-balance 2ml daily.
Pohl's Coral vit- 2 drops daily

Water changes weekly 5 gallons.
Active carbon in fluidized chamber.
Heavy skimming.
Feed fish every other day.

Tank parameters:
pH: 7.8 to 8.1
CA: 420
Alk: 8
temp: 79 to 80
Mag: 1220
other parameters (P04, etc...) zero.

Here are a couple of pics as examples they are all from today. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it very much.



Hi Rich

I agree with Travis - now that nurtient poor conditions have been achieved - the easy bit - now its time to tweak coloration.

I think you are adding the right things - KB effect is potentiated with PIF if you have it. Dosing sounds reasonable for the tank size if you are using salt with a decent potassium level. If not, try doubling the dose for 5 days or less, then drop back down.

CV and AAHC are on the low side - you could double these straight away and titrate upwards to max 3 drops per 25 g. When are you dosing these? The zeo recomendation is at night, but Iwan doses during the day to encourage day time PE. I split my dose 50/50.

Is there anything you can do to up the PH to 8.1 minimum? Also is the flow through the carbon very slow? Try passive use?

I think the tweaking stage is the most challenging - finely tuneing the elements - takes time and practice which I think eventually equates to Iwans 'salty thumb'.

Those pics dont look like anything is in danger, so there is plenty of time to make one change at a time. If it were me I'd focus on KB and CV for the next 3 weeks or so.

My corals have been through the lightening phase - swung back to too dark and edging back to a ballance again - I'll pop up a pic or two over the w/e.

Just some thoughts - cheers

Thanx for the info.

I'm dosing the CV at night and the AAHC during the day, I could change either its not a big deal. I'll work on doubling the dose. I'm actually leaving for the Cook Islands on Sunday so no additives will be done when I'm gone; to much to ask my brother to do.

With the pH I've tried to get it to stay at the 8.1 range but it will not even with a kalk top off drip. At this point I'm just happy to have the relativly small fluctuation of the pH.

I know that the corals are not in danger I just want to get that color back.

Do you think its a good idea to dose the ZeoStart2 or not?

Hi Rich

Personally - I'd not use the Start 2 unless you have an indication that there are nurtrients in the water that arent detected by the kits ie browning rather than fading. From the photos the top ones look faded but not bleaching - hense the suggestion to focus on KB and CV.

Another factor is lighting. Your pre prodi color looked good - but if we are following the 'Iwan Method' - it may also be worth considering a move over to T5s? His b/after MH/T5 shots are impressive.

Have a great time in the Cook Islands:)


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I agree that T5's are the way to go, I'm in the planning stage now to upgrade my tank from the 50g to a 120g. I will be getting rid of the mh and going to only T5 lighting. But for the 50G its not worth the time and $$$ to do it.

I'm going to concentrate on the AAHC & CV for now and only use the Start2 if it is needed.

