my house reef (211 g.)

I'm not scared of this product, since there are positive overall effects like better PE and growth. Colors are lightening up and I will start tweaking it in the weeks to come.
So far, I have dosed 4 times with Prodibio(digest,bioptim,&booster) and have not had any RTN occuring. Colors and PE are great. Nitrates remain at 10 though, same level as I started. Continue to have problems with small patches of cyano. My tank(75G) is only 8mo old. Most of my SPS are small frags and all are growing with puddling around bases. So far I am happy with the results.
all things can be overdosed easily in this hobby. notice with the nightsun iwan used I think 5-10% of what it called for and then tried to go up in dose with poor results. not death but poor results. you have to tweak these methods to suit your system. some are already low or it may be high anything but going full dose isn't good in my opinion. jumping right in gets us nowhere we should all know this by now. are we dosing according to our tank volumes or what the rip off manufacturers tell you you have. example being my perfecto 265 gallon tank. if you measure the inside dimensions it truely only holds 223 gallons of water. then you put rock and sand in there. maybe 165-175 gallons at the most and I am supposed to dose to 265 plus my sump volume? sounds like a bad idea to me. nothing will happen fast except death. growth and color formation take along time. I know very little about corals but I know they die fast and without reason. no need to help them out. I started prodibio 6 weeks ago and I can see a major difference in my corals colors being lighter and I dosed 1 of each of the 3 the first week then 1 bioptim and 1 reef booster. these were done in a 125 with a 20 gallon sump. the zeovit instructions tell you what to look for when overdosing I think everyone needs to read them before going any further with these products so they know why not to overedose. I think has the instructions. read about the bacteria and food it says do not overdose because you will kill the corals. I would say what happened here is too much bioptim thinned the corals tissue and then let go. of course I am no expert just trying to make people see this could be a good product unless misused.

I am in the middle of a tank crisis that maybe someone watching this thread can help on. I had been reading about Selcon and other vitamin/fish oil enhancers so I decided to soak some brine shrimp in cod liver oil to see if the fish and anemone liked it. Well they did! Good for them...

Unfortunately the small amount of oil that got introduced into the system has rendered my skimmer useless. I guess the oil slick won't let the bubble head form, much like tossing oil on the ocean during a heavy storm. Anyone know how to deal with this? I tried a little vinegar but I am concerned about puting in too much. Any other way anyone know of???

Man am I stupid sometimes!!!:rolleyes:
yea... Cod Liver oil has lots of protien in it, so it should break down sooner than later in your tank. I wouldn't stress over it. Most likely you will do more harm than good in trying to reverse the current effects.
You guys are scaring me...after paying all that cash the Prodibio is causing RTN?

I doubt prodibio is going to cause RTN, Been using it for over 12 months and never seen rtn on my corals, even when i doubled the dose.
I know the Prodibio wouldn't be causing it per se, but I have read about this issue a number of times. I am sure it has to do with the individual reef chemistry much like people have different reactions to the same medication. I had a stroke because of a common off-the-shelf medication that millions take every day.
I do not blame prodibio for any ill results I would blame the misuse of the product. maybe even poor instruction on how to use it.
Sorry to hear about the RTN guys - that was a real beauty Marc:(

I also have had no RTN with prodi or any other product (only one frag RTN'd after overnight shipping when I started to drip aclimate it) - and from what I can gather - we dont really understand what causes it when the main parameters are all in line. Does anyone here know otherwise?

A difference between Prodi and the zb4 is that zb4 can be more finely tuned for net volumne but even that method has reports of RTN if not very carefully dosed.

This may not apply to your experiences, but slowly slowly is the general principle to making changes with the zeo or Iwan hybrid methods. Less is more.

Marc and Pangea - have you ever had RTN before? What is the alk,mg,ca, ph picture? Were the sps moved recently before the event? Had flow changed prior to the RTN? Was prodi dosed accurately to net volumne? Any other system, livestock or additive changes?

Johnathen - Booster has oils in it too which also significantly dampens skimmer bubble formation - lasts overnight then the effect is gone. Its it OK now?

Carlab and Pangea - any before / after pics to share please?:)


Had to take it apart this morning and use an oil-sorb pad as well clean the entire riser tube assembly. It's working now but was down for about 15 hours!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7200709#post7200709 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
Had to take it apart this morning and use an oil-sorb pad as well clean the entire riser tube assembly. It's working now but was down for about 15 hours!

Phew:) !- I'v had a skimmer off line for 2 weeks with prodi and no ill effects.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7170035#post7170035 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sparkss
Link doesn't work for me :( Anyone else able to get to it currently ?

It is not working for me either. Is there a new link? I would love to see the videoââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7195444#post7195444 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
I don't think it's supposed to reduce PO4 levels? My understanding is that it's used to create a low nutrient environment via increased bacteria feeding off those nutrients which would help with lowering nitrate but not PO4.....?

"In aquaculture: Increase of the food conversion of 30% ( weight of food/weight of fish produces). The ammonia and the phosphorus have been used for the multiplication of bacteria This BIO MASSS is transformed then, by the small invertebrates, in natural food.

In aquarium and aquaculture: the regular utilization of BIO DIGEST all 15 days to 1ppm : 1 amp until 1,000 liters gives the next results :

> Rapid biological filtration start up and introduction of fish
> Reduction of nitrates
> Reduction of phosphates
> Reduction of algae
> biological Cleaning of the aquarium by the organic waste digestion
> optimal proportion Conservation and bacterial strains renewal
> Improvement of the quality of the water
> unexplained sickness Reduction"