My HUGE 42 Gallon project...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8619568#post8619568 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by teto_78
crap, i thought those WERE the T-5's, everybody seems to be recommending them vice the MH's, especially since I live offbase, so back to my search.

I will tell you this, if my orders to leave dont come through, I told my wife that I will put in an extension and we will move off base. I will sell my halides if I move off base.....for some T-5's
Frank, Why sell the MH if the Gov is paying the electricity? You just have to take a look at the circuits before you move in to make sure it will handle the load you need.
I don't know how wide you tank is, but you might consider 4. Dana has 6 T5s over a 65 gallon, and can't run them all because his soft corals start melting.

I'm going to start with 4 and leave room if I need more.
His tank is 17.5 inches IIRC. I agree 4 would be plenty for that tank. You really won't have the room needed for 6 bulbs Besides 4 really lit it up for me when I had mine up.
A good size pump for that tank is about 800gph or at least it worked good for me. I also tapped off the return to feed the fuge area. Try to stay away from RIO as they tend to have issues. GenX and mags are good. Do you plan on going closed loop or are you still considering powerheads?
Just Purchased two maxi-Jet 900's and a Mag Drive 5 for a return pump. So i guess closed loop is out of the question.
OK, so this is what I have so far:

AquaC Urchin Pro w/Mag 3

Maxi-Jet Powerhead 900 qty.2

Mag Drive 5 return pump

Plus ofcourse the tank itself, stand, and my refugium which is being built.
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You are off to a great start. Again, consider a closed loop since you will get tired of the maxijets falling down after a few months. and it is easier to set up the closed loop during the initial set up than it is after the fact. The maxi's won't go to waste. they are good mixing pumps and are great for assisting in water changes.
That's gonna be a nice sump. Looks like plenty of room for the return area. So when are you going to have it built?
He's building a couple of tanks for a restaurant but should be done by mid week, so I should have it here within the next week or so.
Great, Then it's time to start thinking of the overflow and plumbing. You still considering the hang on overflow?
aahh, no, I take that back, I don't know... if I had it drilled, would I be able to surround it with Live Rock....? Because the way I have my reefscaping planned out, one corner of the tank would have a "pile up of rock right on the corner, so say... could I have the overflow at the corner and Live rock covering it in front....?