My HUGE 42 Gallon project...

Yes you could but remember the overflow will stick out about 4 inches inside the tank if you go for an internal overflow. If you drill it, go with an external overflow so there will be no overflow box inside the tank. This is an example of what I'm talking about with an external overflow box:

Everything is outside the tank so I can maximize volume and aquascape right up on the glass and not have any shadows from the overflow box.
Hmmmm, would it be possible to make it like that but in the back, slim but wide and deep...?

I don't want to put it on the side like jeff did, because that would take away the viewing from that whole side, and since I will be painting the back side blue for depth, why not ...?

what do you guys think about that idea, I'll try to Sketchup it here soon.
been done a million times! you could even run it along the entire length of the back for optimal surface skim....
So why don't more people do it that way...? Is there any drawbacks.....?

And would you help me with it JeffB3T...?
I did mine on the side because my tank is a 3 way view room divider tank. That side will be completely concealed. Only drawback is it is a pain to drill glass. It takes lots of time. If you want to do it, I can help you out. We will need to figure out how big to make the overflow (Based off the bulkhead drain size), get the glass cut (there is a shop near my house), Drill the holes and silicone it on. It can be done in 1 afternoon. All it will cost you is a couple beers, a couple bits (i tore mine up) and some good conversation.
Oh, Best to do it at my place too if it's cool with you. I have a tendancy to forget half the tools needed when I work on things.@
They might but I never asked... They will have to have the bit to do it and it will probably cost considerably more than if I do it. Do you have the bulkhead already or are you going with local plumbing? PM me, we need to talk about some details of this overflow and what we will do to drill.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8641056#post8641056 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by teto_78
Almost, forgot, here is the link to the 3D model of my sump/refugium, please feel free to suggest any changes. Oh yeah, numbers represent cm's not feet.


Just curious, how much is he charging you?
yup, he said materials would cost him around 5,000 Yen for the original sketch, so I'm thinking about 7,000 Yen for the sketch I took him later... But maybe that's including his "buddy" discount because I kinda know him well and he's been to my restaurant etc. etc.
So today I went to the glass shop and had purchased some glass and had it cut for my external overflow....


35cm x 45 cm
35cm x 10 cm (qty 2)
45cm x 10 cm

Price: 1000 yen, $9.00

In my opinion, very very cheap. Very nice old man, and had it ready and neatly packed for me in about 30 mins.
I got your overflow put together, drilled and the PVC already put in. Just need to drill out the two holes on your tank and remove that nice blue coat of paint.