My mantis, dead or alive? (and Pseudosquilla ciliata advice please)


New member
Hi all,

I set up my first reef tank about 6 weeks ago and quickly realised I had a clicking hitch-hiker. Didn't (still haven't) noticed anything missing/dead in the tank but about 2 weeks ago I got my first glimpse of the clicking culprit - a stomatopod!

It was approx 1" in length, brown in colour with yellow eyes. (can anyone ID from this loose description?)

I decided to get a dedicated species tank for it (on the hope I could catch it) but the night before I went to purchase the tank I found what I believe to be the mantis laying dead onto of my Juwel filter box (it sits approx 0.5-1" above the water level). I was a bit surprised as to how it could of got up there and why it didn't just flip back into the tank. It would have only needed to travel an inch or two to get back into the water.

I still went and bought the species tank the following morning on the hope that a) he wasn't really dead and it was just a moult or b) i'll wait for another one to crop up as I wanted one.

My LFS reckoned it was just a moult so I went home and tested it. Crudely snapping it in half (bearing in mind it was quite small and had been sitting around for a couple of days now), I found the outer shell to be quite thick but it was definately somewhat hollow inside. I would say approx. half the cross-section was hollow. Is this typical for a moult? I wasn't sure if it had just dried up somewhat leaving the soft inners dissolved and looking hollow.

Aaanyway. A few days after this event I noticed some clicking again in the tank which over the period of about a week has gone back to the original levels! So either he's still alive or I have another one, or perhaps a pistol. As I understand it, pistols can't repeatedly 'click' like a mantis can, so perhaps it is a/the mantis as sometimes it sounds like it's knocking ten tons of crap out of something (eg a hermit shell, but not seen this).

Right now i'm swaying mainly towards the notion that the original one is still alive and happily punching his way around the tank.

How does my logic sound here? :D

On a seperate note, someone relatively local to me has a complete 10'ish gal tank for sale, complete with a Pseudosquilla ciliata, rocks, substrate, softies etc for £80. I am seriously considering purchasing and putting it somewhere in my apartment as I really love these animals.

What is the ideal living conditions for this species, substrate, lighting, rock etc? (Roy i'd love your input here!)

Many thanks :bounce1:
Check Roy's list at the top of this section, also try:

Most people say that a ciliata needs room to move, a twenty gallon long would probably make it more "happy". I have not kept this species but from what I have read they are quite active and need space to hunt. Then again I could just be a little biased toward more space.

According to Thurge's Law your original mantis is probably still alive.
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i have my ciliata in a 20g long tank and he loves it. runs around all day. it's also a reef tank with 2 t5's one 10,000 and one 420 actinic. sandy and rubble substrate and plenty live rock with passageways and a couple pvc pipes with bends under some larger rock. they are very very active and will build and move a lot a substrate so dont worry about a home cause it will figure something out. mine has like 5 tunnels and 3 main burrows lol.
Well I bought the Cilata. He's very cool and i've carried over his name of Spike ;)

I'd say he's almost 4 inches long. The previous owner (LFS owner) had him for about a year, not sure how long he was about before that. How long can these last in captivity?

I know biggest is usually better with tanks but as he's been in this particular tank for at least a year and 'seems' happy i'd rather not move him. I will get some photos of the tank and Spike soon.

I have setup a live streaming webcam on him but need to fine tune it a bit, but will post a link to that here too :)
Also, I am keen to know how much and how often to feed him. Previous owner said half a lance fish once a week but i'd like to confirm if this is optimal?

Thanks :)
Here's a photo of Spike :)

its not working :(

Yeah i've got a few things to sort out on the webcam front, got two now just need to get the picture-in-picture working.. soon I promise!

Here's some new photos of Spike and his tank (the mushroom palace)..









Lots of softies, which I like :)
Here's Spike at feeding time..


He actually rejected this lance fish after a few minutes of checking it out.. not sure if he's just not hungry (haven't fed him for a week) or maybe he's going to molt soon? Not really sure of his behaviour patterns yet. :rollface:
So Spike. Couple of things.

He's gone off lancefish. I'm wondering if i've spoilt him with gut-loaded ghost shrimp. I'm not convinced this is an ideal diet for him (I think Roy Caldwell said something about ghost shrimp should be an occasional treat). Now if I give him some lancefish, he checks it out and throws it out of his burrow! He's done this twice in a row now! He's more than happy with shrimp though..

Another thing, he's gone bananas recently with re-arranging his tank. Building long burrows, then filling them in, then repeating. Pretty much most of the corals are buried one day, then not the next. It looks now like he's starting to barracade himself in a bit so i'm wondering if it's time for him to moult? He's not done this since i've owned him (6-8 weeks or so now)..

Any thoughts? :) Thanks!
If you start feeding less then your mantis will start taking whatever you give it. Variety is key to a stomatopod diet. Do you have selcon? Ghost shrimp are low in nutritional value if not gut loaded. I usually feed mine squid, krill, omega brine shrimp, silver sides, ect...
Haven't seen him since. Keep hearing him though. Recently disturbed the rock I saw him in before but no sighting.

Further to this, it appears i've had my first victim (other than small hermits i've probably not noticed). A porcelain crab. The rear of it was smashed in and left dead in the tank. I thought it may have been a fish (i have an orchid dottyback in there who eyes up the crabs) but really it stinks of a mantis attack.

Looks like i'm going to have to try trapping it. Good luck to me! :rolleyes:
An embarassing update - Atlantis the Mantis (if he's still alive, no sightings but plenty of clicking) did not kill Percy the Porcelain crab. It was just a moult!!!
Some updated pics.. Spike's got some new green mushrooms in his palace.. and a few decent ones of the chap himself ;)

Not sure what this is? I've got two though, glow very green under UV!

It's Spike!

The new mushies .. these look awesome in person..

Pussey coral saved from my display tank

Spike likes to trek around the small corals.. the more the better I say!


Spike getting aquainted with the second pussey coral piece..

Got this small Dendronephthya sp. FOC from my LFS.. hopefully it'll survive.. it's opened up from yesterday so we will see!

Enjoy :)