My Neptune Apex web interface compatible DIY reef controller

my isp is comcast, so I use my comcast smtp server. you should be able to use your isp's smtp server without ssl.
thank you d0ughb0y

now it's work but i have one problem

i have Analog pH from dfrobot

how can i make work
this is sample code for PH
#define SensorPin 0          //pH meter Analog output to Arduino Analog Input 0
unsigned long int avgValue;  //Store the average value of the sensor feedback
float b;
int buf[10],temp;

void setup()
  Serial.println("Ready");    //Test the serial monitor
void loop()
  for(int i=0;i<10;i++)       //Get 10 sample value from the sensor for smooth the value
  for(int i=0;i<9;i++)        //sort the analog from small to large
    for(int j=i+1;j<10;j++)
  for(int i=2;i<8;i++)                      //take the average value of 6 center sample
  float phValue=(float)avgValue*5.0/1024/6; //convert the analog into millivolt
  phValue=3.5*phValue;                      //convert the millivolt into pH value
  Serial.print("    pH:");  
  Serial.println(" ");
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);       
  digitalWrite(13, LOW); 

My board is almost done, I dont have all the pieces just yet, but had enough to start building. At the moment I still need to connect the chauvet to the relay, as well as add 5v power to the relay board. I have all of that, but my solder tip went bad, curse those cheap soldering irons, lol.

I still need to pick up the wp-40s, 2 cords from reef angels, evidently more soldering tips, some hot glue sticks, and conductivity sensor. After that I will be done.

Although I opted out on not using several things, such as auto feed, ato, dosing, leds, etc. (The LEDs I am getting are controlled by remote and have a controller built into them).

Thank you so much Doughboy, loving this build.
k, I have a problem with email notifications. I have tried on gmail (even though I knew it would not work) Have also tried with yahoo, using both smtp ports (Port - 465 or 587). Not getting anywhere with either one. I know the alarm sensors are working since I also used the little buzzer as well. I did notice that it made the arduino web server lag quite a bit. Any clues?
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You can only use SMTP server that does not require SSL or TLS. This is an arduino hardware limitation.

you dont happened to know of one do you? Seems everyone I have looked into is ssl support only

Finally found one, but having problems with it. Seems it gets some mail, and sends some mail, but does not send and get everything, so not 100% sure if email notifications are working just yet.
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you dont happened to know of one do you? Seems everyone I have looked into is ssl support only

Finally found one, but having problems with it. Seems it gets some mail, and sends some mail, but does not send and get everything, so not 100% sure if email notifications are working just yet.

NVM, I am getting all my emails now, just a little slow, but no emails from the controller, can anyone verify if they got the controller's email notification to work.
thank you d0ughb0y

now it's work but i have one problem

i have Analog pH from dfrobot

how can i make work
this is sample code for PH

I started modifying the code for additional sensors, but got too complicated so I stopped and going to start over. I'm just going to keep it simple.

you basically need 3 basic functions.
init<sensor> to be called in setup
update<sensor> to be called in loop
and get<sensor> to call anywhere you need the value.

so just implement the above functions for your own sensor.
you dont happened to know of one do you? Seems everyone I have looked into is ssl support only

Finally found one, but having problems with it. Seems it gets some mail, and sends some mail, but does not send and get everything, so not 100% sure if email notifications are working just yet.

from Neptune Apex manual, they suggest to use your ISP's smtp server first. If somehow your ISP requires SSL, you can get an account from

the gmx smtp server does not require ssl.

Neptune Apex does not support SSL, being that is uses a 32-bit cpu, it cannot be a hardware limitation.

I use the email feature so I know it works.
from Neptune Apex manual, they suggest to use your ISP's smtp server first. If somehow your ISP requires SSL, you can get an account from

the gmx smtp server does not require ssl.

Neptune Apex does not support SSL, being that is uses a 32-bit cpu, it cannot be a hardware limitation.

I use the email feature so I know it works.

I now have a GMX account, how do you set up the smtp info in your code ? :)
the instructions to setup email is right there on the config.h
just substitute with the proper value for BASICAUTH, SMTPUSER, SMTPPASSWORD, EMAILFROM and EMAILTO.

//go to
//to create your encoded string
//BASICAUTH = username:password, sample below is admin:password
//SMTPUSER = your email login, sample below is admin
//SMTPPASSWORD = your email password, sample below is password
#define BASICAUTH "YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ="
#define SMTPSERVER ""
#define SMTPPORT 587
#define SMTPUSER "YWRtaW4="
#define SMTPPASSWORD "cGFzc3dvcmQ="
#define EMAILFROM ""
#define EMAILTO ""
I upload the picture to photobucket and just use the image tag here (click on the toolbar icon between the web link and text quote button).
the instructions to setup email is right there on the config.h
just substitute with the proper value for BASICAUTH, SMTPUSER, SMTPPASSWORD, EMAILFROM and EMAILTO.

//go to
//to create your encoded string
//BASICAUTH = username:password, sample below is admin:password
//SMTPUSER = your email login, sample below is admin
//SMTPPASSWORD = your email password, sample below is password
#define BASICAUTH "YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ="
#define SMTPSERVER ""
#define SMTPPORT 587
#define SMTPUSER "YWRtaW4="
#define SMTPPASSWORD "cGFzc3dvcmQ="
#define EMAILFROM ""
#define EMAILTO ""

I want to make sure I am understanding the instructions right. I am using it in plain letters (although in the setup I used the 64 encoder website mentioned in config.h, also these are not the real creditials)

#define BASICAUTH "myreef:password" "This is just used to login the controller corect?"
#define SMTPSERVER ""
#define SMTPPORT 587
#define SMTPUSER "" "For the record I have tried just my username as well as username with"
#define SMTPPASSWORD "password"
#define EMAILFROM "" "I am assuming this has to be the same account you logged into from above?"
#define EMAILTO "" "With this one I have tried to send it to my isp email account, as well as to my gmail account, either way I never get anything"

Also, to see if this can be added in or not, I would love to have a way where I can clear out my logs via web, instead of going into the sd card itself, or with out using curl or any other server commands.