My Neptune Apex web interface compatible DIY reef controller

I'll try setting up using gmx to see if it will work or not.

The Neptune Apex manual tells Apex users to use gmx, so I imagine it should be working fine.

You can try changing the email contents from the controller (in Network.ino) if you think there is a keyword there that is causing gmail to block.

Are you all using your gmx email as the EMAILFROM? I think spam blockers typically will consider email a spam if from email is not the same domain as the mail server.
I'll try setting up using gmx to see if it will work or not.

The Neptune Apex manual tells Apex users to use gmx, so I imagine it should be working fine.

You can try changing the email contents from the controller (in Network.ino) if you think there is a keyword there that is causing gmail to block.

Are you all using your gmx email as the EMAILFROM? I think spam blockers typically will consider email a spam if from email is not the same domain as the mail server.

I using the EMAILFROM as the same as the mail server
emailfrom is the same as the actual email address account on gmx. I can send email directly from my gmx account, bu when it comes to sending email from the controller through gmx to gmail, is where the problems lie.

Having hard time setting up multiple recipients now. I have tried , and ; with and with out a space in between
The email body text contains temp, ph etc. you can change the contents. Maybe try just the text "hello" and see if it gets blocked.

ahh, that is where that is at, good to know, is there anyway to have it send ip address as well?

Meaning my actual IP address to the rest of the world, not the local IP address of
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Good idea on the ip jross.

Just thought of it, unless you have a dedicated ip from your isp (or got a domain name from somewhere), then it could change on you while you are out and about, and have no way to view what is going on with your tank and change something since now you do not know your new ip that just recently changed.
If this line exists I should be getting RTC updates from the internet right?

#define NTPSERVER 193,193,193,107 //

LCD reports
Network OK
Webserver OK

best is to check the controller log. you should see this

  • 21:55:36 Got NTP time
  • 21:55:36 NTP time is 05/09/2014 21:55:36
  • 21:55:36 RTC time 05/09/2014 21:55:36
  • 21:55:36 Using RTC as sync provider.
fix is uploaded to github. fix is in Network.ino file.

to send to multiple recipients, list the email addresses separated by comma.

this setting worked for me
#define SMTPPORT 587

for multiple recipients
#define EMAILTO ",,"

to delete a file or folder from browser, hold down alt key then use mouse to swipe across the file or folder name in File Manager. I just tested this on my laptop so I know it works.
can you try to send an email from your gmx webmail to your gmail account?

either gmail is rejecting mail from gmx or the email address has a typo.

what does it say for the rejection reason?

wgraham, if you see that its being rejected by gmail maybe gmx is labeled as spam? I sent a test from gmx but it hasnt gone thru yet or been rejected after 5 mins.

Are you guys using the following for GMX? I cannot get this thing going for the life of me!
#define SMTPSERVER ""
#define SMTPPORT 25

my gmail account sees stuff from gmx mail as spam, I think you would need to follow through with the gmx email and merge all other emails to gmx
my gmail account sees stuff from gmx mail as spam, I think you would need to follow through with the gmx email and merge all other emails to gmx

It is not a problem with gmx. I fixed this by adding the to, from and subject in the message body. Gmail was not accepting minimal email message, which was ok for comcast and text message recipient. Just update the network.ino file.
I think there is a fault in your code.
When no sensors is available the loop contains running.

boolean initPH() {
#ifdef _PH  
  char phchars[15];
  for (int i=0;i<255,strlen(phchars)==0;i++) {

This line
 for (int i=0;i<255,strlen(phchars)==0;i++) {
has to be this line
for (int i=0;i<255;i++) {
best is to check the controller log. you should see this

  • 21:55:36 Got NTP time
  • 21:55:36 NTP time is 05/09/2014 21:55:36
  • 21:55:36 RTC time 05/09/2014 21:55:36
  • 21:55:36 Using RTC as sync provider.

Doughboy I have a problem. See code below, is the PC i use to load the arduino but it wasn't connected by usb when this report ran.

05/11/2014 13:55:52 /cgi-bin/status.json
05/11/2014 13:55:56 /cgi-bin/datalog.xml?sdate=1405101308&days=31
05/11/2014 13:56:25 Get ntp failed.
05/11/2014 13:56:25 Using RTC as sync provider.
05/11/2014 13:56:25 RTC time 05/11/2014 13:56:25
05/11/2014 13:56:26 System initializing...
05/11/2014 13:56:28 Network initialized.
05/11/2014 13:56:30 Temp sensor initialized.
05/11/2014 13:56:31 Outlet Timers initialized
05/11/2014 13:56:35 Initialization Completed.
05/11/2014 13:56:35 3587