My New 300DD!!!

So, on the occasion of my new skimmer and Apex being installed, I figure now's a great time to do a tank update :D I've been super busy at work and trying to train our two yellow lab pups, so most of this has been done every Friday for the last couple of months.

First off, my stock list is currently as follows...

Sailfin Tang
Kole Tang
Fowleri Tang
Six Blue Green Chromis
A pair of Ocellaris Clowns
Starry Blenny
Black Spot Angelfish
Cleaner Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
and assorted Crabs and Snails that I've been adding every week or so.

Equipment wise, I went ahead and got a Octopus Diablo DCS-250, Apex Jr, Two WP-40's and a Profilux doser. The Skimmer is amazing, as is the Apex, Wp-40's and the Profilux. I did quite a bit of research on everything and I have to say, it all works together very well.

I also built a water change station, as I haven't been quick enough to snag one off of RC :( Its plumbed through my garage and into my house, so there's no water to carry, ever :D I also have my ATO and Dosing system hard plumbed into the house for ease of use and for conserving space. As for the water changes, I do a 35 gallon water change every week to keep everything optimal. My salinity is always between 1.0255 and 1.026.

Other than water changes and dosing, I have successfully battled a high phosphate issue due to my liverock (which was cooked for over a month), with the use of ROWA Phos, Xport NO4 and Phos-E at different times. It took awhile but I'm finally rid of all that nastiness and can now concentrate on growing my corals lol

Speaking of those, I have a fairly nice collection of small SPS and Zoa frags (the middle rock formation is dedicated to the Zoa garden), as well as 75+ heads of branching frogspawn and hammer coral as well as a green base blue polyp toadstool, that is my new prized possession :) I also have a variety of softies and LPS that will surely be whittled down to make way for my current SPS fix. I'm not caught up in any of the "signature" or "super rare" nonsense yet, I'm just looking to get a nice looking tank going. I do have 5 or 6 ORA frags though, if that counts, they just look to good not to grab ;)

I'll post a bunch of pictures below and I'd love to know how well you think everything is or isn't coming along....

The whole thing :)

Okay, so I do remember how to do pictures lol

Water Change Station

Doser Setup

RODI and ATO reservoir

Plumbing into the wall

Full shot including the newly rewired sump :)

My baron "SPS rock" Hopefully I'll be filling it up soon :D

The fuller right side island

Feeding time lol

My new favorite lol

Bad picture, but this guy is about six inches wide and another 4 inches tall!!!

Bought this guy hoping my clownfish would dive right in. Nope :(

The whole setup looks fantastic. I can't wait to get started putting together a big boy system after looking at these type threads
Nice looking setup. Very clean looking and well though out system all around. It will be fun watching it grow and mature.
Great looking tank. Anymore updated pics?


Haha, It has certainly changed quite a bit. The whole left side of the tank has been taken over with SPS frags and I've also discovered chalices, high end zoas and giant toadstools :D

My skimmer is down right now, so everything isn't as clean as usual but I should be getting my replacement pump this week (hopefully) and I'll go ahead and do a big update early next week, as I have added quite a bit ;)
Update: 17 AUG 2013

Update: 17 AUG 2013

Okay, as requested I 'm going to do a quick tank update :)

My current stocking list is:

1 Fowleri Tang
1 Blonde Naso Tang
1 Yellow Eyed Kole Tang
1 Spotted Unicorn Tang

Yellow Wrasse
Solar Wrasse
Ornate Leopard Wrasse

9 Blue Green Chromis

1 Pair of Ocellaris Clowns

1 Stary Blenny
1 Midas Blenny

1 Mandarin Goby

2 Blood Shrimp (That actually come out)
1 Cleaner Shrimp
2 Coral Banded Shrimp

3 inch Derasa Clam

and a 15-20 inch wide toadstool that owns the whole tank :)

As for the coral, there is far too much to list, but lets just say I have about 150+ varieties of Zoas, SPS, Softies, LPS etc.

I like the idea of a mixed reef tank, its harder than specializing with just one or two types of coral, but IMO I love the challenge and the look of a mixed reef.

The way ahead for me is going to see me reaquascape a bit (I just got some more rock from FAOIS today for an arch from front to back. I'm going to also be changing up my lighting to either Radions or the new Pacific Sun Hyperion S. I'd also like to start putting more clams in my tank, but Maxima's and Gigas' seem to be hard to find for a reasonable price at the moment.

Anyway, here's what you guys want to see ;)

Utter Chaos are looking a little bit different at the moment, might be low light related

Zoa Garden

Didn't get the best picture, but this side of my tank is filled with nice little SPS frags :D

This was one of my first corals and its almost doubled in size

They don't bother anything in a big tank

Trying to get a picture that shows the size of this massive toadstool!

NEON Green Leather! My starry blenny actually sits in it from time to time.

Giant blue green chromis ruined this pic of my clowns hosting the toadstool :furious:

Big Changes Are Coming

Big Changes Are Coming

Okay, so we're a few months away from having our first baby and I'm redoing things before the big day.

New Radion G3 Pros w/wide angle lenses, 2xMP-40s and reef link to make it all automated. I got a bunch more live rock, acid washed it (and about 100 pounds of my own) and am going to re-aquascape it into something a lot more interesting.

Finally, I've finally got a handle on my chemistry and I'm going the way of the fuzzy sticks, so I will be selling/trading most of my zoa and softie collection to focus on my itch. I'll keep everyone updated as to when this is going to start, but I know that most of you know what I have Zoa wise and for those that don't

Utter Chaos
Captain America
Blue Tubbs
Nuke Green
God of War
Armor of God
Eagle Eyes (the real ones )
green bay packers
darth mauls
cool gold zoa
deep green zoa
what looks like a green hornet (but wild)
fire and ice
and I'm sure there's a few others. These will be multi polyp (5+) frags as they are already on plugs and I have no interest in cutting them into singles.

also going to have a huge colony of green Goniopora and might sell parts of Yuma/Ricordia collection.

I'll also have some live rock available depending on how creative I get with the aquascaping :)
How do you like the Radions so far? I was contemplating them but was concerned that 3 of them wouldn't provide sufficient lighting.
How do you like the Radions so far? I was contemplating them but was concerned that 3 of them wouldn't provide sufficient lighting.

I'm getting them on Tuesday. I've done quite a bit of research and I think there will be plenty of power and with the wide angle lenses, the spread should be nice. If it doesn't work, I'll adjust, but three D120s is nearly enough and they're not in the same universe as the radions!