My new 600 gallon reef

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10845969#post10845969 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
which GFO are you using?
In one reactor, I am running GFO from Two Part, and the other is running PhosPure from F&S.
PhosPure is good. I have never tried the one from Two Part. PhosLock from Custom Aquatic is good too and even cheaper than PhosPure.
Thanks! Ya I would say with that fish load there would be some challenges getting the best colours out of acros. That being said, no reason all those fish can not be happy with a bunch of LPS, great variety in LPS these days, not like 5-6 years ago.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10845303#post10845303 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
250G..Your tank is gorgeous! I had visions of a nice looking SPS tank when I first started this project. My lack of knowledge, and patience for growing SPS, along with the number of fish in the tank, will probably prevent that from ever happening. My reef is just going to go in a different direction. Thank you for your input!
Hey 250G I notice you only have 3 metal halides on your tank and all those sps. I was thinking of cutting mine back to 3. what are your philosophies on lighting?
My philosopy - if a tank is over 30" wide use lumanarc 3 reflectors. I previously used 4 - 400W halides in a "traditional" reflector and my tank was 25% LESS bright, with significant shading at the front and back.

Now the tank is 25% brighter, fully lit front to back, and I use 25% less electricity and only need to replace 3 MH bulbs.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10879129#post10879129 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
Hey 250G I notice you only have 3 metal halides on your tank and all those sps. I was thinking of cutting mine back to 3. what are your philosophies on lighting?
Ya I have standard batwings on my tank. Been meaning to change them for a while, just always want something else for the tank. Your right, I probably could increase my light levels significantly with less power usage.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10838015#post10838015 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Atomikk
I will try to stay on topic and not thread crap like some others did.

Sensitive? Unlike you, I view my tank as a living organism that needs constant care. I thrive on creating the best environment that I possibly can for my corals, inverts and fish. I do a ton of research and then apply it onto my tank. I have been through horrendous disasters (some through my own admission, and some not), and I have learned a lot. As a result, I can say that I have an exceptional tank. Many in the GTA have come and viewed it in person. It may not be as glamorous from the outside, but from the inside, its speaks for itself. Maybe you should come down one time and see it yourself (instead of doing things like this on message forums)

So when I give my advise to someone like Chuck, I am trying to educate him so that he doesn't go and do the same things that I have done, or others that I have seen did. A lot of people have too much money in this hobby and treat livestock as replaceable consumables. That is utterly wrong, and should not be in the hobby.

speaking of crapping in other people's thread, thats ALL you have done in this thread to the point where your post had to be edited, and then you take your childish comments to the ap forum and make even more childish comments and you expect people to take you seriously. ha. i'm suprised you haven't been banned from this forum. you are not in a position or have the credentials to "educate" anyone in my honest opinion. :)
i'm suprised you haven't been banned from this forum. you are not in a position or have the credentials to "educate" anyone in my honest opinion.

I've been banned from their forums. They truly can't accept alternate opinions backed by scientific fact. They cant even defend their statements. They're like little boys with their fingers in their ears stomping their feet when you try to debate something. Go to the AP site
Check ot the thread on "tang combination". They removed my last post and seem to have banned me from using the forums because of that thread. Haha
I can't stand that much visual pollution for me. It's hard to find the text. Anyway, I have a few tangs and they get along fine. They will occassionally have a little spat, but it's nothing life threatening.

But, when I got my fish in, I had ordered 3 yellow eye koles and one cam in DOA. When I put the remaining two into the system, one bullied the other one to near death. I just got lucky and when it had given up, I netted it.
I almost hate to post this, but last week I purchased a 6" male Red Sea Blonde Naso from Grant (tangdiver), at Safari Land and added to the tank. The price was fantastic so I couldn't pass up. This is the second Blonde Naso in the tnak and I have to report that they are getting along fine with no issues..


Ya they clutter the site with tank info, so they can see the specs on everyone who posts. I have to admit it is interesting to read what equipment and livestock others have. I just dont like how they hammer anyone who asks a question. It really deters new reefers from posting. Many newbies have told me this and prefer RC.
Understanding tang behaviour is a matter of understanding the basic principles of animal behaviour , the reproductive lifestyle of tangs and their feeding habits.
Cougarman it wasn't just that thread that lead to your banning, it was actually only a small part of it but hey you believe that if it makes you feel better...

Dave those lumanarc 3 reflectors are great but did you actually measure the difference or are the numbers based on visual observations? I don't doubt the increase but I was wondering if the numbers were subjective. Either way good to hear you're happy with them.
so sweet Chuck. I wish I could keep those alive! :( I have tried two and they both dropped dead within a week. That is the only fish I have had that kind of a problem with. Some reefers speculated that they were cyanide caught, but I have no proof of that.

Yours are beautiful and just the right size. Maybe they will mate? :)
The one from me is a male for sure and the other...bad angle...but looks female. Could mate....but doubt offspring being semi-palgeic mating habits. But fun to watch.

Looks great

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10881855#post10881855 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
Ya they clutter the site with tank info, so they can see the specs on everyone who posts. I have to admit it is interesting to read what equipment and livestock others have.

Actually this habit grates on me because it's always someone more proud of their equipment than their husbandry. I am just as much of an equipment junkie as the next reefer, but really, list all the stuff I bought? These guys that list 5 different Deltec items really creep me out.
Sorry to hear about you being banned from Ap Cougarman. It's actually quite sad. I've been in the hobby for about six months and I actually learned quite a bit from some of the members of AP. There are some really good people there that want to share their knowledge and love of the hobby. Unfortunately there are a number of toadies who fall into line when the great commander speaks. It's a pity. Anything less than the "company" line on how to run your aquarium is met with vile comments and ridicule. As a new person in the hobby for just a few months, I've been penalized, rebuked and generally made to feel like a pariah. Why? Because I had the nerve to question why things are done a certain way. How dare I question a moderator !
Again, the sad part is that there are some really good people there that are just too afraid to speak up. If they do they'll likely end up banned too. I'll bet I'm penalized for making these comments here. It's a damn shame when something that has the potential of being so good, ends up being run by a bunch of narrow minded twits. My apologies to the good ones. Until free speech and thought are treated as essential, I'm afrad AP is merely a good classified ad utility for us southern ontario people. Look at the lack of posts there lately. Talk about people feeling to edgy to post.
There...that feels better. At least I know where I'll be spending my time reading forums. I'll avoid Der Fuhrer.
Keep up the good work everyone. It's your love of the hobby and thoughtfulness to go against the grain, that ensures new and better ways of advancing the hobby will continue.
Funny you should say that Dewey. Here's a quote from you three weeks ago;

"You guys (Mods) are certainly helpful. Especially to us new folk.
Appreciate it.

Although I can't speak for the other mods I can say that I have spent countless hours personally helping others with options and understanding their tank via PM's. I welcome anyone there to ask me a question or for help understanding something. There are more and more nano reefers signing up or setting up and it seems that some like a personal touch of a PM. Even though it's not my "job" I welcome the opportunity to help others even when most won't see the hard work. Ah well, such is life.

Experimentation of new methodology is one thing, reckless is another and experience will help you decide between the two. It can be a fine line and most may not understand where they are standing.
Thanks Dewey58. I couldn't agree with you more. They really are unaware of how they offend people.

Although I can't speak for the other mods I can say that I have spent countless hours personally helping others with options and understanding their tank via PM's. I welcome anyone there to ask me a question or for help understanding something. There are more and more nano reefers signing up or setting up and it seems that some like a personal touch of a PM. Even though it's not my "job" I welcome the opportunity to help others even when most won't see the hard work. Ah well, such is life.
You keep telling yourself that Nanoreefaholic. You wouldn't believe the number of private messages I've been getting from AP members following this thread. They all complain about the AP moderators and you're at the top of the list. Funny thing is you're oblivious to it all.
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