My new 600 gallon reef

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Well Chuck, I guess I wasn't complete in my explanation. Just to clarify, I QT fish for long periods when appropriate. Then I acclimate them to my display with a float valve fed from my refugium, removing a qt or two at a time until I have turned over the water in the QT substantially. This is usually a one or two day process.

Once I am happy with the acclimation, I release the new fish into the display after normal lights out. My situation is different though since ALL of my fish tend to actually go to bed at lights out. That way the new fish just finds a sleeping area, and when they all wake up in the morning, groggy etc. they seem to accept the newcomer much better.

Not that I always follow this process to the letter, but in most cases I do. But like you said, with a fish the size of that naso, the QT is a bit small. So is mine so I can relate on that issue.

With your system, there are so many fish, they may forget about fish enough to not even realize there is a new one in the tank. Then your primary issue will be fighting among like species. There is considerable discussion that highly stocked tanks take on a different dynamic and that some of these social issues can be treated differently.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10936538#post10936538 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe

Once I am happy with the acclimation, I release the new fish into the display after normal lights out. My situation is different though since ALL of my fish tend to actually go to bed at lights out. That way the new fish just finds a sleeping area, and when they all wake up in the morning, groggy etc. they seem to accept the newcomer much better.

I do the same, but normally its because its easier to catch the fish in my acclimation tank after lights out, flashlight in one hand, net in other.
I thought that I would post this picture for Willy who stopped by last evening and commented on the cucumbers in the tank. Well Willy here is the brown & white one this morning out doing his thing. Most of the lights weren't on so the quality is a little weak.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10937914#post10937914 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by WangoTANGo
Looking good.

Is that a net in there on the webcam?

Yes it is, the Dr Tang was picking on the large clam for some reason, so rather than try and pull the clam out today, I thought that I would cover it for a while and see what happens tomorrow.
Caught you again, fired up the web cam just in time to see you sneak 2 more bagfish in the tank.

FedEx should be delivering a bagfish and bagosnails at my place today.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10942436#post10942436 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by alphonse
Caught you again, fired up the web cam just in time to see you sneak 2 more bagfish in the tank.

FedEx should be delivering a bagfish and bagosnails at my place today.
No fish, these are some new zoos which will go into the other tanks until I can figure out who is munching on the in the big tank.
:D Take your pick. So many fish decide they like them...

Who's that working with you? I was going to comment yesterday what a nice full-time job you got there!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10942950#post10942950 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
:D Take your pick. So many fish decide they like them...

Who's that working with you? I was going to comment yesterday what a nice full-time job you got there!
A friend of mine, Dave, comes over and helps out once a week. He used to be one of the managers at LFS and helps trouble shoot problems I have. Today, we took apart and cleaned the Blue Line pump from the shark and ray tank and had a heck of a time getting it to prime after reinstalling the pump. He also is the person I have take care of the tanks when I am away.
I've been very lucky with my fish, nobody touches the zoos. I do have a nasty corris wrasse that flips over all my LPS. Drives me crazy. One day soon I'm gonna take out my rock and catch that SOB
Sherman had soem seriously sweet zoos and he popped in a couple of scribbles and they ate them all except for one colony. They probably took out 10 different colonies...OUCH!
Went coral shopping during Wacky Wednesday at a LFS. Managed to come back home with 2 buckets of corals, (can't remember the names). Maybe Tangdiver will jump in and post the names once I get a couple of pictures taken. They are supposed to be some of the easier SPS to keep. Also got a steal on a couple of more clams for the tank. If I'm not careful, I am going to end up with a 1 to 1 ratio of clams vrs. fish
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10944031#post10944031 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thor32766
love watching the updates on this tank

Yea! Blah blah blah! Oh! here's another absolutely gorgeous tang you'll never find! All the updates are the same!!! :fish1: :lol2:
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