My new 600 gallon reef

and do they only feed on aptasias or will they go after other things such as soft corals?
From what little I have read about them, I thought that they only ate aiptasia, but I had to run down to the tank and sure enough, they are heading to the roocks. I'll let you know if that leather is still there in the morning.....


Hey Chuck! That's about what I have read on them. They just don't seem to last very long. I suppose they could be in the rocks, but I wonder if they just get eaten by something?
Hey Chuck, what aquarium is that?

Take your time coming back to SD. I've shoveled the driveway 3 times in the last 3 days and we still can't get out. Snowplows haven't made it to our part of town yet.
Chuck, that is mandalay you should have let me know, I think I can still get people behind the scenes....I opened that aquarium and worked there for a while.

Very nice.

At least I think it is Shark Reef.....right?
Have you tried Radial Leatherjacket filefish? We picked up one, and he tore up our aiptasia - also he eats pretty much anything else we feed so he's a keeper. Very interesting fish - mannerisms are much like a box or cow fish.
Chuck, that is mandalay you should have let me know, I think I can still get people behind the scenes....I opened that aquarium and worked there for a while.

Very nice.

At least I think it is Shark Reef.....right?
This was taken at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. Very impressive display. We were able to get a very short private tour of the beind the scenes. Wished that I had planned ahead and taken a real camera. The phone photos didn't turn out very good.
Have you tried Radial Leatherjacket filefish? We picked up one, and he tore up our aiptasia - also he eats pretty much anything else we feed so he's a keeper. Very interesting fish - mannerisms are much like a box or cow fish.

No, I've not tried them before. I picked up a couple of more Copperbands to see if I can get some that will actually do some good. So far the new additions are holding their own, but don't seem to have done much against the aptasia.
Tank turned 3 years old this week, wish I had some good updates to post, but tank has been on cruise control for a while.........needs a good cleaning.

Weather today looks just about like it did the day it was delivered.

Congratulations on your three years with one awesome tank Chuck. Well, one not counting the several others you have. Anyway, I've really enjoyed watch you build a great collection of tangs and other fishes for sure!
how many splits has this thread had? can we see a new front tank shot. i dont know how recently u posted one but its a long thread couldnt read the whole thing, id be 50 by the time im done reading this thing