Thanks for you all's kind words. I should not be taking pictures of this tank right now as it is not exactly at its cleanest, but here ya go. The picture sucks because I didnt take time to set the shutter speed. The bright white rock is because I had to throw away the rock that was there before so corraline has not had time to grow on it yet. I just pruned the big stag colony a couple of weeks ago. It was alot bigger.
I havent been on RC in quite a while much less posted any pics of this tank. It is not as "clean" looking as it used to be but I think it is still pretty. Corralline is tough to keep off the glass. The first pic is right after set up and the second is tonight. Enjoy!
I beleive you said the type of lamps you have but can you tell the wattage and ballast that you are using?. What can you compare the color to and do you have a website where you bought them?.
Those are just Gies. 250w Megachrome 14.5k's on a Gies. electronic balast. The bulbs are over 8 months old but my growth has never been faster than it has in the last few weeks, so I dont intend to change them until I see a negative effect of their age. The last set I had for right at a year with no problems whatsoever.
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