My new skimmer arrived! I hope this will be the last one.


Active member
I can't wait to get this thing in the sump!. I used the pepsi can for size reference.



Here is a pic of the skimmer I am running now the day I got it.

holly $@!*. Are you sure that big enogh Greg. I think you need a larger one..... So what are you planing on doing with the 400? Man well good luck now you can feed does fish some more. So how are your fish doing?
Trying to overcompensate for other short-comings!? :)

that thing is bigger than a few nanos put together!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6875971#post6875971 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by drake66
is that the ev-2000? :eek2:

Nope, It's and EV 1000 with some fancy customization.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6876334#post6876334 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mchava
holly $@!*. Are you sure that big enogh Greg. I think you need a larger one..... So what are you planing on doing with the 400? Man well good luck now you can feed does fish some more. So how are your fish doing?

Yeah Mario I think this will be the last one. This one is even upgradeable to the EV 2000 so upgrading won't be an issue. As for the EV 400, it will go in the garage. Isn't that were all reefers put their prior upgraded items. All the wrasses are doing great, even the one in the sump. All the anthias have died within the last week from some unknown reason. They were still fat so I know they didn't starve to death.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6876430#post6876430 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sharkdude
Trying to overcompensate for other short-comings!? :)
that thing is bigger than a few nanos put together!

No need to make up for anything. Let me say one thing Chris. It ain't the size of the nail that matters. It's the size of the hammer that drives it home. And I have one big hammer.

As for the size of the skimmer, yeah it's big, do you see that 5 gallon jug on the right hand side!
"No need to make up for anything. Let me say one thing Chris. It ain't the size of the nail that matters. It's the size of the hammer that drives it home. And I have one big hammer."

I couldn't help but LOL when I read that! HAHAHAHA
i'll bet some money greg that this is nowhere near your last skimmer!

i say that all the time about my skimmers and other equipment! :D
(as owner of Euroreef rubs his two hands together)
"tis only a matter of time"!...matter of time....matter of time"

bergzy - I now have a skimmer rated for 4x my tank volume. The only thing I would consider is to upgrade the pump on the skimmer. I don't think I will change much after that. Next is to upgrade the calcium reactor.

ReefMeister2 - NOT! No Euroreef for me. If I was to go needlewheel it would be custom and I would still have Aqua C build it for me.

cozmo1 - pics of this beast in action will come soon I just put it in Saturday night. Unfortunately with the small pump (same mag 24 that was pushing my EV400) it is only skimming dry but it sure didn't take long to begin skimming. Talk about no break-in period! I'll post the 12 and 24 hour pics that I took yesterday.
Wow, I love that design of the cone-shaped piece that transitions from tower to neck. Was that your own design or something new from AquaC? Can you share the overall measurements? I can't wait to see some pics of the skimmer in action.
That skimmer is soooo big that you may have to file some sort of hazardous waste plan just to empty the skimmate :lol:

I can see it now...Greg's neighborhood is declared a superfund site :D
Kenfuzed - The tapered neck was at my request. It may make it's way into the production line in the future. The best part is that the tower in the skimmer is completely removeable for easy cleaning as future upgrades and experiments.

reefpeep2004 - hehehe!
Great design Greg. A while back I sat staring at this EV-180 thinking that very same idea of a tapered neck. Then again, I often sit and stare at stuff thinking "how can that be improved". My girlfriend thinks I'm crazy and perhaps she's right.

That would be great if they took your idea and implemented it! I will be very interested in seeing your skimmer in action and how it performs under various conditions. I may pick your brain some more and end up calling Aqua C to build me one in the future.
Greg, I'm happy to have found the thread. The taper should cater to the wet AquaC skimming fan. Kudos and hats off to you for getting them to do the mod, and I know you'll have her (hey, it has curves now) rocking very soon!:rolleyes:

BTW, thanks for shooting front and side shot's (hey, she's got some back too) :eek1:

PS, I'm not suprized that the ev400 went to the garage, I'll probably never sell mine either.
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OK. Here is the pic after the first 24 hours. Sorry but I can't find the 12 hour pics so I must have deleted them off the camera. Keep in mind that theis is 24 hours into a brand new skimmer. Most don't start skimming for a week.

Greg that is awesome. We need to see some full tank shots also in this thread. Just need to drool over your tank more.

And since I am out of the loop now, what wrasses and anthias did you get?
