My New SPS Reef

Hi there Denadai. How is your tank doing? How are the coral colours? Your tank is almost 6 months old - can you post a fts and some coral shots to show grow and colour? Many thanks.
Hi Guys,

The things are going well, but the colors is not so good yet to my taste

I will do an update tomorrow with new pics

Best regards
Very nice tank.

How long is your photoperiod?

6 / 8 hs daily

Hey Denadai,

Great pics!!!
It's better for me to follow your tank here in have more photos :lol2:
Is that the powder blue that you had in your nano?
I'm looking foward to visit you sometime, come visit me too when you can to give me some tips on my project.
Many thanks for posting the photos. Your tank looks really nice. Colours are quite nice too, maybe a little pale but that could be the lighting or the White balance. Keep up the good work.
I love the low and minimal aquascape, superb colours too, well done! :beer:

What are your plans going forwards, stocking wise; are you looking for any other corals are are you just going to let it grow :smokin:

great looking reef, well done!

I understand that u keep NO3 and PO4 low without carbon and bacteria dosing, right?

How much water do u change every week? do u use any phosphate/nitrate removers constantly?