My New SPS Reef

Hi Guys,

I´m back with a small nano ( 20G )

Actually this nano is running since august 2012 and my idea was just to have a small nano with some zoas and lps. One day I bought a small SPS frag and the frag was doing well , so I bought a couple of them later

This nano is the simplest thing I did in my teen years of reef keeping

I don´t have skimmer and I don´t have sump, Just a box of glass and I´m dosing balling manually

I´m using 1x AI vega and I do WC sometimes. Nothing special with this tank , but at least I can say I still have a reef :-)

August 2013 :




I took the pics with my cell phone, sansung galaxy S4

Best Regards
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Very cute Denadai.
The best thing is to have a beautiful reef and no need to kill to keep it that way.

Congratulations as always, u have the gift!
Hi denadai!
What are you using in this nano for biological filtration? Siporax? Live rock?

Nice tank! Thanks!
Just some live rock inside the tank

I´m dosing balling manually every day

Best Regards

Hey Denadai, im a big fan. I just found this thread 2 days ago and been hookd. Its unreal how simple you keep everything and you are able to achieve such success. I just started my new build and after seing how good both balling and siporax were to , im thinking about using it as well. Is there a specific brand you recommend for both of these items??
Hey Denadai, im a big fan. I just found this thread 2 days ago and been hookd. Its unreal how simple you keep everything and you are able to achieve such success. I just started my new build and after seing how good both balling and siporax were to , im thinking about using it as well. Is there a specific brand you recommend for both of these items??

For siporax I think sera is a good idea.

Balling I´m using a brand from Brazil, so you can´t find this in USA

Best Regards
fantastic tank..... both grow and color....

I use Zeovot, but I can't even close to the color you had in your 2011 tank.
The new nano tank looks great as well, it seems you have magic finger to turn all tanks amazing.
you certainly do know your way around a reef tank! Beautiful. Any fish in there?

Yes, 2 ocellaris, 3 green chromis and a small yellow tang

Nice tank....I did not expect to see such a beautiful tank in this thread


fantastic tank..... both grow and color....

I use Zeovot, but I can't even close to the color you had in your 2011 tank.
The new nano tank looks great as well, it seems you have magic finger to turn all tanks amazing.

Magic finger = hard work :lol2:

Best Regards
No matter whether it's a hight tech tank or a small box with water, the result are always beautiful and colorful corals...

Hi guys,

I have news :lolspin:

The display, sump and the top off box is ready

The Main Display, cristal clear glass :


Sump , top off box and the skimmer in the right place :


The Magical Little box :) :


Full pic :


Now I have a hard work, wash the I don´t need to go to the gym :bounce3:

Best Regards

Your reef tank is beautiful and an inspiration.

Your magic verflow box is so interesting.

If this was not an option would you have considered a herbie or bean animal overflow instead for a tank this size? What would be a good option?

Keep up the great work.

This all new to a noob like me.