my new tank thread


New member
i know its nothin to some of u guys but to me a 65 is a big thing. Just bought it from shawn the other day. THX SHAWN.

This is the 65 with the lights and stand.

this is the sump/fuge i just finished makin today.

i used LOCTITE 414 to glue and the GE 100% silicone to seel.

and the finished project of the 22 gallon sump/fuge.

Now im letting the silicone dry over night and then doin a leak test 2moro. so wish me good luck. and if anyone has any sugestions please and im mean pleas tell. cause i need all the help i can get. THX.
that sump looks kinda big, are u sure it will fit in the stand? is it acrylic? how come u didnt use weldon to glue it? I dont know if silicone is the best to glue acrylic
yes it will fit in the stand and no it is not just acrylic. its lexan. and i used superglue wich is the 414 wich is industrial style super glue that they use on aircrafts. the silicone is just to seal it but can you tell me where i can get this so called weldon acrylic glue. i checked for it at homedepot and didn't find any and the ppl that were thier didnt know wat i was talking about.
Ciro, Very nice tank and sump, congratulations on your purchase, I have a couple of observations on your sump.
Not sure of the properties of the 414 glue you used, but, I know for sure the best way to bond two pieces of acrylic is using a solvent adhesive, this chemicals come in thick and thin form which is usually applied with a needle type applicator wich causes a capillary action and basically melts the two pieces together, you can then go back and apply the thicker version to give it strenght to the joints.
Silicone will come off after a while, furthermore the silicone you are using (homedepot kind) may even not be safe for aquarium use.
The other issue I see is that two of the baffles you placed are all the way to the top ring, this could cause a leak on your floor if they overflow.
I totally agree with rogger on this.
Check the back of the silicone to see if it contains the antifungal chemical. If it does then you can't use it in aquariums.
Also the silicone will definitely not hold up over time and the sump will come apart. Weldon is used to bond both acrylic and lexan maybe you should go that route. Or get some glass cut and silicone those into a smaller tank, that is how I have mine.
Weldon can be found in any plastic supply store. I found a store in pompano who was a large-scale acrylic dealer/fabricator, whose name escapes me right now, but they sold me weld-on 16 and an applicator for like $12. It's by far the best/easiest way to construct anything out of acrylic.
can someone pleas fill me in on any place that sells the right selent and the name and the right glue and the name to see if i doo it all over again.
This is the only place I know of that sell weldon
Prospect Plactics
836 NE 44th. Street
(Prospect Road)
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334-3131
(954) 564-7282
There is also a place in davie, but can't remember the name off hand....if it comes to me I will post if
rogger just a quik question. i see u told me that it might flow over cause i mad 2 bafles all the way to the top. can i just notch out about 1 to 1 1/2 inches and be ok.
is thier anyway you can give me a diagram how it supose to go. cause i went by the one that was on the diy section on the homepage of reefcentral and can you also tell me how many gph i should use for the return back in to the tank.
new pix

Tank and sump

sump undergoing water test.

and i wanted to know if anyone wanted to buy or trade thies 2 92watt 34inch 6700k bulbs. im interested in in actinic or 10000k also both have to be 96watt.
there are a few issues like others said, however it seems like you are making great effort and getting pretty decent results.

like armando said, where is your skimmer gonna go? the sidep panels look pretty small, unless you run a real small skimmer like a urchin, which may work ok for that size tank.

i think your getter off getting a mag instead of a rio. buy a used mag from someone and the price will probably be the same as a new rio 31oo.