My not really a 265 gallon perfecto/432 watt t5 sps reef

thanks simon we have our house tore apart so I can't spend the proper time to get it done so it is running and pretty much on hold as far as doors and trim for a few weeks at least. I will get some more pics taken of the above corals to show what the prodibio/polyplab is doing. you know it's funny the nightsun and polyplab come out at the same time. coincidence?
I'm not good with a camera so I can't get shots showing how really different they are but it's only been a few weeks I nothing happens fast but things seem to be working well so far.
well it's been awhile since I have updated anything but the last month has been a very trying period around the house and with the tank. I probably need to just make a list.
we have been installing a new kitchen which has been horrible to say the least. we got a big run around from the cabinet company and things were damaged and we finally got the cabinets installed. the granite tops are supposed to be installed on friday afternoon. we definately can't wait since it has been well over a month since we have eaten at home. mcdonalds drive thru doesn't count. we will be glad when that is over.
as I have stated I was dosing prodibio and the polyplab reefresh. I got a big ol mess of red cyano and stringy algea and bright green what looks like diatoms but from reading I think it is bacterial? I stopped dosing the reef booster because when I did I noticed a little bloom so I stopped to see if it was the problem and all in all it wasn't. it is possible it helped but was not the root cause. now I have stopped all additions of the polyplab and besides this morning I added fuel to see if it helps or hinders the nastyness. I still added 1 biodigest this sunday and 2 bioptim and this sunday will add 2 more bioptim. hoping this helps clear things up.
I added a sedra 9000 recirculating on my er cs8-3 and left the 5000 feeding in it's original position. I got uniseals from to add the pump. they are in florida so faster shipping than asmskimmers . I got the pump locally. I have to say the difference is along the border of crazy. it really works well. i also added the euroreef gate valve modification and I have to say the quality of the pipe is very near junk. I run my skimmer outlet into my filter sock to get rid of bubble and every single joint leaks water. gluing is not happening. I mean runs water when I say leak. I do understand it should be snug but will seep. this is about 80 drips per minute.
well I have an allardi clown and have been trying to get a mate. so far I have 2 dead and 2 more that may be dead soon. you just can't get healthy livestock like you used to. the 2 I have now are in qt and hopefully will make it.
I also bought a pair of amphiprion latezonatus that were out of someones tank but purchased through finz of tampa straight to me from the bucket. I didn't really notice they were sick since they were in a bucket but I have been nursing them ever since. the female was almost blind and could not see the food in front of her face but finally that has cleared up but there was a bit of gasping and spots which I thought was brook or oodinium or whatever so i used a formalin dip which help a great deal and was feeding them some anti bacterial food and anti parasitic food and that kept the infections away until I stopped feeding it. the very next day the female stopped eating and turned white with some mucus looking stuff on her. she is now in qt with tetra marin oomed. hopefully that will help and be the last of the troubles. her belly has started to get big and bulky like she might have eggs soon. at least this is what all the other spawning clowns I have owned have looked like. the wierd thing is I put the latezonatus in the big tank and they instantly went to my patch of roses along with the allardi. the allardi was not happy at first but since has calmed down and accepted them. I now have the female in with the 2 new allardi's so we will see what happwns. there is a very large size difference between species. the long tentacle moved across the whole tank to join the clan and parked right under the roses and has been there for 2 weeks almost. funny maybe they know?
my girlfriend bought a small maxima clam and the moorish idol ate the foot but hasn't touched the derasa. I pulled the idol since it went after the mantle 5 minutes after I put the clam in the rocks
anyway a small update and I will try to get pics soon.
ok it has only been a few days but things are starting to look better. I think I actually figured out what I was over dosing.
the polyplabs systems acids product may be te problem. not that the products is bad just that I dosed as per the label but I looked at the bottles and I see I have used at least twice as much acids as the others and you are supposed to dose 1 drop of everything per 25 gallons. it seems that each drop of the acids might be more volume than the others. maybe the thickness or something but everyday I did 10 drops of each until color changes and algea problems. I would think this explains everything or a t least something. I noticed another tank that said they were battling algea after polyplab and I think this may also be there problem. so anyonwe using polyplab keep and eye on the levels in the bottle. maybe half the acid drops are needed to get the intended volume.
Damn man, awsome pics!!! Man I cant wait till I can snap some shots of things in my tank!! Looks great doood!!!



this is an acro about 5 inches off the bottom of the tank. it looks happy don't you think?

algea from an amino acids overdose is going away and the tank is looking great to bad I can't get a good shot of the whole tank.
maybe I should go try again.
I cant see the red bugs in the pics ....can someone identify them for me so I can learn how to spot them....thanks
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7694277#post7694277 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by robthorn
the little orange looking spots on the purple tip acro toward the top of the first page

I see now thanks .
thanks nathan I will be adding some more rock soon because some of the rocks are from the last tank we had and just covered with green stripe mushrooms. they are cool but take up too much acros space. I am pretty much out of new room and want alot more pieces so something has to go. it will be changing within the next few weeks as long as our local store has some big pieces cured.
here is a full tank shot from today. got rid of a mushroom covered rock from the old tank. I was going to add more rock but I am not really sure what to do yet. it's day to day. I guess if I am there and the price is right and the piece is right I will buy something. if not I am fine like it is for now. a local guy tore down his tank and had some huge acro's so I bought a few frags and small colonies. 8-10 in all.


here are a couple more. I haven't gotten pics of all of them taken yet and these were all within 24 hours of putting them in so they aren't polyped out fully yet.



Wow man very very nice pieces!!! Man I can wait to get stuff like that, looks like ya tank has changed again since the last time I was there!!!!!

Also I totally forgot to pick up those frags that Bobby has for me, I am going to do that this weekend or maybe even Thurs or Friday, cause since I am done with that Realty Co, Im taking a light rest of the week!!!!, can we try and arrange something that I can get them and the those things from you, if you pick it up by then??

Thanks man, LOOKING GREAT (your tank) :D
picking up the tunzes tonight you can come get them anytime I am home or not sleeping. if this guy doesn't call me about a job I am off most of the weekend. maybe I should work on my tank?

my tank will change everytime someone see's it. I always move things.