My not really a 265 gallon perfecto/432 watt t5 sps reef

About the T5 bulbs. Here in Europe they are very common for many years now. The ATI bulbs (not the newest generation!!) are the same as Giesseman and Narva.

The new ATI bulbs are made by Sylvania, and are just crap.

The latest test reports from Germany show that the Aqua Science bulbs are the best right now. Best PAR and durability.

Hope that this will help in making a choice :)

Cheers, Leonardo
I think the geisemann are crap also. very pink after about 4-5 months. my corals are having a fit and no polyps. waiting for a new set of bulbs. I am not liking this hobby very much right now at all.
if it wasn't for my fiancee I woulld have sold everything already.
I saw aqua science somewhere but not sure where.
is there any updates on the tank. how has it been and are you still likeing the T5? i am getting ready to order later this week. Any advise for me?
well I have been running the new ati bulbs for about 3 weeks and things have stopped rtn/stn. polyps are slowly starting to come back out the last few days. the color to me appears slightly better than the geisemann bulbs. I turned off the 4 4ft actinic bulbs I had and the color is good enough so I don't feel I need the extra blue from actinics. actinics to me were a must with the geisemann bulbs so I am glad my lighting bill will be cut by about 40%. unless of course I want to be stupid and add more bulbs. I really don't think I need it though. I wish there was 1 bulb between the blue and white bulbs I think it would be perfect. the daylights almost work by themselves but need a little more flourescence. who knows how long these will last but so far no shift that I can see. not even a break in shift which was noticeable in the geisemanns. I cleaned the back glass because I never have in this tank and i almost don't recognize the tank anymore. guess I need to get some pics posted soon. I just got married a couple wwks ago so I haven't had much time for the tank and then I started playing guitar again so now I have to practice everyday again.
I keep seeing all these tanks that are awesome looking using instant ocean and mine was decent but not great using tropic marin so I decided to try instant ocean again. what a mistake that was. lesson to all keep using what is working for you. change sucks in reef tanks. I lost several acros doing the switch. do a water change and wake up the next morning to a couple half gone acros total death within a couple days. every water change has done this except yesterdays. then again I didn't look at the tank before I left the house this morning.
I am running 5 tunzes and my corners are completely dead so I need to reconfigure there placement soon.
Sorry about the losses. Nice looking tank. Glad to hear you picked the guitar back up. Nothing like playing music.
thanks about the tank and the guitar I used to play I will just say alot. never out but in a couple garage things but most of the time if I wasn't eating or sleeping or working I had my guitar in my hand. moved to florida and the music scene is very lame here. all a bunch of hip hop garbage . I probably shouldn't go much deeper into that. I am from the st.louis area and bands are pretty huge there still and I knew alot of people in the business there. it's a whole new world here.
take care
off topic, but where in largo do you live? I used to have my office right beside the postoffice.
no on the ballastwise ballasts I use advance at the moment. the numbers do look good enough and I have heard good things about them.

gws I work for the city and our office is only 2 blocks from the post office on seminole and 8th. I live near ridge and walsingham.
it is a perfecto "265" the dimensions are around 7ft long x 31 high and 23 from front to back.
it is probably in there but I wouldn't want to search for it either ;)
I just stumbled across this thread, the tank looks good. Good luck with everything, I give you credit for trying to do things better, more efficiently.
Rob, sorry to hear about all the problems u been having. That really sux man, it is a beautiful setup...Good luck!