My not really a 265 gallon perfecto/432 watt t5 sps reef

well I am still killing things . you think I would learn by now. overdosed on amino's again. this time I am darned near positive it was the amino's since I hadn't added a carbon source in a few days. I was at half the recommended dose per day. I think I will add 1/2 of the one day dose 2 times a week and see if that helps. I see aged salt recommending this dose so I will try it out and see what happens. hopefully I only lose a couple branches off the one acro. everything else looks fine. glad I got the coral as a $25 brownout small colony. it was finally starting to come around .

did I mention no camera yet? nikon is coming out with the new d80 soon. supposed to be announced on wednesday I think. it is a 10.2 mp and faster shooting and a bigger lcd. supposed to be around the same price or a few dollars more than the d70s. if it is too much hopefully the d70s price will come down by christmas.
getting close to enough for a new motorcycle so I am having trouble figuring out what to buy first. never use credit anymore so I can't do both. i guess whichever I walk out the door for first.
an update
everything is just there and pretty much unchanged . I have stopped all prodibio and polyplab and zeo additions to see if I see any changes. kept killing acro's with that stuff.
tank is on hold because I just bought a new motorcycle.
4 1/2 on an ice cap and no clue yet on advance. so far since april 21st and counting. the color has shifted some on the geisemann bulbs. right at 4 1/2 months now. probably going to be 6 months. I may order some new ones because I want to try the new ati bulbs. I am not sure the geisemann are quality or not. nothing to really compare to yet.
Looking good Robert, very colorful and filling up the space nicely. That hippo tang sure has grown alot since I saw him that one time! He was about the size of a quarter when I saw him. Do you still have the Marine Betta that Margie picked out? I can't tell if that's him on the right side picture or not. Cool Ninja too, Troy just saw the pic and I had to tell him not to even think about it, lol. Also Mike has been giving you alot of good press for the plumbing help you gave him on his 180. I don't know a thing about plumbing but it looked awesome and was super quiet.
hey laura thank you very much. the betta is still in there but not for long. put in a $100 pair of clownfish and they are gone in a couple hours. searched the socks and everywhere. one chalk bass is extremely fat and the betta was sniffing around so they are all coming out. margie is not happy about it at all but I am not going to stress everytime I add something. both regal tangs are growing pretty fast. the lamarks angel is getting to be pretty wide. since I have been experimenting they have had plenty of algea to eat :) . I have a flame angel I have had for over a month and I have never seen it go after any food I put in the tank but it looks like an old guy that drinks alot of beer.
messy thank you also. I like the t5's but they are getting pretty pink after about 4 months so i am going to get ati bulbs instead if the geisemann and see what they do. I will be sure to post on here what I think of them.
that sucks about the very expensive snack, was that the allardi (sp?) pair? Can't blame you for wanting to get him and the chalk bass out. Margie sure knows how to pick pretty fish though. I've been tagging along with your experimentation - I figure once you get everything down to a science, I'll just copy you...j/k, lol.
I have two 400mh(14000k) on a 120(48x24x24) and wonder if switching to t5 would give me enough out put. I run sps, lps, and clams. You seem to be doing it. is everything growing as good.
laura at this time I have stopped all additions except my calcium reactor. I started having bad luck with the other stuff and things were dieing alot. I dose and something dies. I stop and the dieing stops sooooo. I have been busy working and not doing enough water changes so that may have something to do with it. I may or may not try the stuff again.
messy I see things growing but as I stated I have been doing alot of experimenting with my tank and different products so growth has been slowed down. but I think the bulbs are giving me plenty of light for proper growth. from what I have seen it's either 6 or 8 bulbs will give you the same intensity as a 400 watt halide. so you could cut your power consumption to half not counting if you run actinics. that 432 watts could include actinic bulbs.
I only have one left and it's my back up just incase. advance icn 2s54 is the model to look for. same as triad and most of the other ballast manufacturers.
well programmed rapid start ballasts made for what ever bulb you want. 54 watt bulbs use a different ballast compared to 39 watt or 80 watt bulbs. ge,sylvania ,magnetek and I m not sure who ever esle but all the like ballasts look very similar. so similar I would think it safe to say they are all made in the same factory with a different sticker or paint job. I only know the part numbers for the advance ballasts. workhorse by fulham is not one of the ballasts I am talking about being made for t5's although like ice cap they will surely run them. programmed rapid start ballasts from what I understand warm the bulb prior to firing them instead of blasting them full power right off. supposed to make the bulb last longer. of course ice cap overdrives the frequency on their ballasts making the same bulb burn around 40 degrees F. warmer than the advance ballast I am using. seems to me this would cause the bulb to burn out faster or color shift faster.