agreed! the fish are a friends ive had for the last 3 weeks when we had rolling blackouts. once they are gone ill grab a chromis or something to keep the QT tank alive.
I have been having trouble keeping sps, and decided to dive into figuring it out. At the time i had no mag test kit and only alk/cal/phos and the normal api kit.
so i did a alk test and got 7.7, and cal was at 524ppm. picked up alkaline 8.3-p and dosed what i thought was .36ppm per gallon or 35ml of this solution. (half the suggested max) well three days later i did another check and found to be off the scale of my kit (15+ dkh). got in touch with a friend, did a 20G waterchange the next morning and took some water to the lfs
Mixed water came to
cal 551ppm
8.5 dkh
So after doing the WC and testing at the store i got 8.3 dkh... WHEW! that was a good sign. when i got home i did a mag test with the new kit, found i was at 1050ppm, so i dosed 20lm solution last night.
so forward to today (test at the store was last night) i did a Mag test and found i went up to 1110ppm, so getting there. I decided to dose 40ml solution, and should see 1230ppm mag by tomorrow.
as for alk, i tested it today, and found 8.2 dkh. ok, its dropping slightly, NBD so i added 2ml solution, to see what it will do (im trying to get a baseline with my solution that ive mixed and this new product)
So that was my mon/tuesday. along with a few new corals that ill get pics of shortly. my mixed water cal is high as theres around +/-80ppm cal in the RO water, so im looking into a RODI unit for our house. MaxCap180gpd is on my hit list.
and my end goal with a bit of sps on top