~ My Shallow Masterpiece ~

Not much happened over the summer. Today i gave the tank a much needed clean, scraped layers of algae off the back wall, and got rid of all the coraline and tough spots the tank had. this week ive added a yellow head wrasse, a chain link eel, a tan bubble tip nem and a 12" elegance coral. doing some frag swaps tomorrow as well, and will be adding a red monti cap. my last monti cap dies so heres to hoping it does ok!
Nice! I have 4 of those Chromis haha. Funny little buggers. Always chasing each other...but if they get scared they form a school right away! Nice additions, these dont grow too fast and add lots of movement in the tank. Add too many and they can be quite nasty to the smallest in the group. I've had my 4 for over 1.5 years now.
Great info to know! i plan on sticking with 4, i thought three would be too plain. so far, im loving their activity! they didnt even hide when they went in, right up and swimming about!
Great info to know! i plan on sticking with 4, i thought three would be too plain. so far, im loving their activity! they didnt even hide when they went in, right up and swimming about!

Your tank is larger than mine and has more rocks, so the 4 of them will have enough sleeping places and swim space. This reduces the aggression between them.

Lots of people skip these fishes, but they are cheap, easy to feed, are very hardy, look nice and add lots of movement in the tank. Good purchase I say. :D
i have to agree! during the day my tangs, wrasses and clowns stay low for the most part, only really the angel does laps. my hippo does come up and swim about, but these Chromis just go and go! they are all over the tank and their colour is fantastic! i dont know why i waited so long to get them.

Im glad to be done fish stocking. Heres what i have now.

1x Blue Hippo ~ 2.5"
1x Tomini Tang ~ 2.5"
2x True Percula Clowns ~ 1.75" & 2.25"
1x Six Line Wrasse ~ 2"
1x Yellow Head Wrasse ~ 2.25"
1x Coral Beauty Angel ~ 2"
4x Blue/Green Reef Chromis ~ 1.5" x4

1x Emerald Crab ~ 2"
1x Pincushion Urchin ~ 2.75"
nice build CRJ, i see we've both adopted similar stand ledges around the tank, come in very useful!

Tank looks great, good work!
Thank you! Yes, the ledge is beyond useful! From now on i will always build my stand larger then the tank, i love having somewhere to put supplies and food that wont spill!
~ My Shallow Masterpiece ~

Thank you! Yes, the ledge is beyond useful! From now on i will always build my stand larger then the tank, i love having somewhere to put supplies and food that wont spill!

Exactly! And creates larger space inside the stand too!
I really like your setup. I built a 1.5 in ledge on the front of my stand and whenever I finish it I'll be adding another 3" all around. I like the look of it and how useful it is.

There have been a number of times that I would start something set it down and forget about it. Now I set it on the front ledge and always see what I was up to and get back to it.
not sure if this has been answered or not, but what kind of slides did you use for your doors and where did you get them from? Im doing something similar with my tank.
I finished setting up my QT/hospital tank complete with temp warnings, and auto top off. running a simple HOB filter. the rock is LR thats over 1 year old in my tank.

agreed! the fish are a friends ive had for the last 3 weeks when we had rolling blackouts. once they are gone ill grab a chromis or something to keep the QT tank alive.

I have been having trouble keeping sps, and decided to dive into figuring it out. At the time i had no mag test kit and only alk/cal/phos and the normal api kit.

so i did a alk test and got 7.7, and cal was at 524ppm. picked up alkaline 8.3-p and dosed what i thought was .36ppm per gallon or 35ml of this solution. (half the suggested max) well three days later i did another check and found to be off the scale of my kit (15+ dkh). got in touch with a friend, did a 20G waterchange the next morning and took some water to the lfs

Mixed water came to
cal 551ppm
8.5 dkh

So after doing the WC and testing at the store i got 8.3 dkh... WHEW! that was a good sign. when i got home i did a mag test with the new kit, found i was at 1050ppm, so i dosed 20lm solution last night.

so forward to today (test at the store was last night) i did a Mag test and found i went up to 1110ppm, so getting there. I decided to dose 40ml solution, and should see 1230ppm mag by tomorrow.

as for alk, i tested it today, and found 8.2 dkh. ok, its dropping slightly, NBD so i added 2ml solution, to see what it will do (im trying to get a baseline with my solution that ive mixed and this new product)

So that was my mon/tuesday. along with a few new corals that ill get pics of shortly. my mixed water cal is high as theres around +/-80ppm cal in the RO water, so im looking into a RODI unit for our house. MaxCap180gpd is on my hit list.

and my end goal with a bit of sps on top
I pick up the tank friday for the second time.

Stand is ready for stain.


Whats the best way to install doors like these? Is there a trick to get both sets of both tracks to line up properly? Im looking to do the same on my stand.