My Tank Thread (Take3) ★Total AUTOMATION★ DIY Doser, Sump, AlgaeScrubber, WaterChnges

Ok, I will do a WC just before new frags go in. Can't hurt.
Plus lots of water taking up space.

But I want one last peek at forest fire today after some lighting since it's was on last thread and the WC might finish it off.

Plus I do have some doubts about the PH miracle fix, and it is best to eliminate any other lurking problem before NEW frags touch this tanks water.

Glad you got the blue frag.
I will find out if my Refractometer Solution is good.

But that can come later, since right now I need to just match the New Water Salinity to the DT.
DT is 1.025 according to Meter, so New Water will be mixed the same (whatever it is).

If it's off slightly (which I doubt) that correction can come much later, slowly.

Fish don't need any Salinity or Temp Spike during these Water Changes.

Yup I am quoting myself for the first time.

So I did the Water Change Early in the day.
32 Gallons First, but I didn't empty the Refuge 5 Gallons (It's separate when off)

I brought home the Frags.

I tested the Frag Water Salinity. It was 1.028 which appeared ODD.
I called store and they calibrated their Reflectometer and they got 1.026 which is what they expected.

So I set my calibration to match that and it was inconsistent. Couldn't get same reading after each time I cleaned and tested.

After few attempts, I got a consistent reading 1.023

Tomorrow I'll get new Calibration Solution, before I decide what to do.

Regardless, I did the right thing, doing WC with same water as DT.

If I need to Raise Salinity up to 1.025, it will be done slowly.

I still have an opportunity to Finish the last Refuge Section of the Sump which will change 5-7 More Gallons of Water (before I join to system)
Might make the Salinity a tiny bit higher to start the rise. Frags came from 1.026 Tank, and are now possibly in 1.023/4 Water.

Just took picture of Frags, and will post the new Journey.

I will also finished the Water Tests, and post Before and After Results.
Things are good except this worry about Low Salinity.
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FRAG (Day0 - Reference Photo's) 2017-09-29 Water RESET

So I can compare in future. No Photo-Shopping At all (ie Colors/Contrast/Exposure), anything.

Just MH Lights. And best Focus I could get.

Here is the bunch Frag 1-11 Left to Right #'s (got one more)

Photo taken 10 minutes after Frags Rinsed with New Made Water, then Tank Water, then put on Rack. (So very much in shock and acclimatizing)


All photo's were Rushed, since I wanted a capture of each Frag's HEALTH Right away.
In future, I'll take more time and get Color matches Perfect.
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Frag #1


Frag #2


Frag #3 (Yellow Sunset). It looks very VERY Yellow to Me, but Camera switches Color to Green.


Frag #4


Frag #5


Frag #6


Frag #7


Frag #8


Frag #9


Frag #10

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FRAG #11


If anyone can give me some Names beside Acro then I would appreciate to understand how to place them in future.
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SOME SIDE-BY-SIDES (To be able to compare Health/Colors in Future between each)






I may do some overhead, but that Rack Rotates nicely. I plan to put a drop of Glue on Each Plug, since I don't want any Falling, getting Lost, or Damaged.

Then I'll will be able to turn rack 45 Degree forward and take Photo's directly thru Glass, to get a Glimpse of Top Colors.
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Looking good Wally.
Maybe you shouldn’t do anything to them for a couple weeks.. no glue, no turning..
just let them sit for a while, acclimate, settle in..
every time they get manipulated right now, it retards the acclimation process.
Understood Matt. Hand OFF, Hands out.

I'm going to test water again today after things settle.
Yesterday ALK=7.3 CAL=425 N=2.5 P=0.12 MAG=1430 SG=1.023

Over next two weeks should slowly Raise the Salinity to 1.025 using the (TOP UP METHOD)?

And I assume I just manually dose ALK/CALC when ALK drops below 7.
Keep in mind that it really takes a good two weeks for a frag to acclimate and begin to grow and encrust, so the new frags won’t be demanding much extra alk right away- that’s not to say that the rest of the reef inhabitants won’t consume some but don’t anticipate a huge sudden demand because of the frags.
So remind me again, what will be your wc schedule and % going forward?
I see nothing wrong with adding a couple tablespoons of salt each day to slowly bring up salinity over several days.
But get that refractometer calibrated before you start adding salt.
But above all, there is nothing you need to do in a hurry right now. Nothing critical.
They are in, you did a good waterchange, parameters are good, light, flow- all good.
Mission Future Colonies is underway... now hurry up and wait!!! :)
For water changes, I have enough T.M.P. Salt for 30 Gal (30%), maybe bit less.
I figure I'll split this for two water changes.

-> 15% a week, for next two weeks. To complete the Refresh (Same Salt)

I will also use that TMP SALT to raise Salinity during that period. (After 100% confidence in Salinity Calibration)

Then (two weeks from now) I'm out of TMP and have bucket of IO Salt, which is change of SALT, and different ALK etc.

I figure for that, I might want to start with 5% twice a week?

Water tests and ALK drop, etc may slightly change the plan.

*** SINCE I really think this is my Last Chance and want to get things right. I'm willing to Buy one more bucket of TMP to keep things stable, and delay the IO SALT CHANGE **
But don't want to if not needed.
The tm pro wcs at those % sound like a great plan.
IO is tried and true, I see no need to keep on with the tm pro- not that I think there’s anything wrong with tm pro. It’s probably fine as well but not necessary...
If you are up for 5% twice a week going forward, sounds good.. I also see nothing wrong with 10% once a week...
the 5% twice a week may be a bit better for parameter stability...
The tm pro wcs at those % sound like a great plan.
IO is tried and true, I see no need to keep on with the tm pro- not that I think there’s anything wrong with tm pro. It’s probably fine as well but not necessary...
If you are up for 5% twice a week going forward, sounds good.. I also see nothing wrong with 10% once a week...
the 5% twice a week may be a bit better for parameter stability...

That why I built the In Sump Auto Water Changer.
It's designed for 5% Gallons Auto Changes, with Easy One Button Push.

10% means lugging out buckets again if I want to do in one shot.
The Auto Change, can only do 5% at time, then it takes a while for Compartment to mix into system.

So it will be 5% twice a week after TMP runs out.
Also the smaller 5% will be a more gradual transition to IO.


One last question. About the Salinity increase method. (If needed).

What I used to do before to make it gradual, is I swapped out the Endless RO reservoir with a 5 Gal bucket of Mixed SALT Water.

As Evaporation TOP up happened, I didn't top up with pure RO, I topped up with 1.0142 Water , and slowly the Salinity would increase.

This calculator made it safe and easy, and ACCURATE. (Salinity Increase)

Example: SGcurrent=1.023 SGtarget=1.025 TOP off Amount=14Gallons (1 Gallon per day, 2 weeks).
Thus Topping up with 1.0142 Water, would raise Salinity from 1.023 to 1.025 in two weeks (With 1 Gallon Top off per day)

Of course I would check daily, and only refill the 5 Gallon Top manually.
Another Reason to move away from T.M.P. Salt.

I can't lower Mag Levels using it. Since it has high MAG.

Haven't tested IO Salt, but hoping it has lower MAG levels since really want to bring down 1430 Levels down to at least 1300. (Will take long time, but never will happened with TMP at 5% twice a week)
Good. Wc process is perfect.
And your salinity increase method sounds excellent.
I assume mag is lower in the IO..
WATER TESTS (777 Frags) Post Water RESET

All tests done twice (Double Matches) to confirm accuracy.


-> Nice to see PH Less Swingy and Up to Better Level after WC's and Airline Fix

I calibrated MY Refractometer using the fact that FragBox Calibrated his Refractometer last night and confirmed his water. (Will calibrate again more properly)

NOW it's Time to LEAVE THIS TANK ALONE, and work on my AMIGA project, etc.
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Wally, your chart above has an image for nitrite, nitrate.. I assume the image is incorrect and that you actually have an no3 test kit..
Just trying to keep no stone unturned...
Wally, your chart above has an image for nitrite, nitrate.. I assume the image is incorrect and that you actually have an no3 test kit..
Just trying to keep no stone unturned...

Good eye Matt. Appreciate you turning all the stones, but none will be touched in my tank :)
Hit Reload (Chart Fixed)
I haven't had a Nitrite kit for ages.
Something is HAPPENING (Wow) Forest Fire Burning again!!

I decided to a few photo's today, since I noticed Improved PE on the 777 Corals.

Tried some practice on TOP SHOTS. (I never noticed the Forest Fire, since FOCUS IS 100% on the New Frags)

When I got back to computer to check images, I notice this.


The Forest Fire which was near death, and almost no PE, looks all Bushy and recovering.

The Forest Fire is under rack so I don't really see if from my Desk.
But under the rack in Front, it's showing Amazing Recovery.


Something has certainly changed for the better.

Sensei will be happy since I promised him a piece of F.F. if I manage save it, and grow it.

Canada Corals has some Salinity Calibration solution.
So heading there tonight.