My Tank Thread (Take3) ★Total AUTOMATION★ DIY Doser, Sump, AlgaeScrubber, WaterChnges

Pacman beside ice fire, ssc, Pink Floyd?

Pacman correct.
Strawberry Shortcake, 3 over Correct.

The 3rd Frag is a Real Sunset (The Little Yellow/Orange 3 Stem Frag).
Much different from the Sunset I got from Fragbox. Way nicer.
I saw the larger colony this Frag Came from and it Amazing.
Right Sensei. You have a piece?

I actually am stuck with one more Frag since I didn't expect to bring these 3 home so soon.
Got a Ultra Bubble Gum Milli from FB.

I'm maxed out. Hoping FRAG tank is good, so eventually some go over there.
Close!:) what’s the yellow one 7 over from the ice fire?

Left or Right of Ice Fire?

Two Left from Ice Fire is the one you call a Sermantosa. It came from FragBox as an Aussie Acro.

Two Right from Ice Fire the Sunset from FragBox.

The Ultra Sunset from GTAreef deserves a better picture.


I haven't looked overhead, but from Side it has Color. I will take picture overhead eventually.

New MH Phoenix 14K Bulbs arrive today.
Plan is I will install one bulb. Test with Quantum Meter Difference between NEW and OLD.
I figure new MH bulbs need some burn in time as well, but I have to return Meter this week.
7th to right of ice fire. Or, the one directly to the right of the stylophora

That is FRAG #007. It's more Green than Yellow.

Learning more about Taking Proper-Color Photos. It's so different between MH, LED, T5 and mixes.

Easy to do one Coral at a time (which I do adjust by Eyesight Color Match). Getting many colored properly is tough. THE LAST SUNSET IS proper Color (Orangy Yellow/Greeny)

I better start learning SPS Names (which I'm terrible at) since when it comes time to do placement, I'll need to know about each one (Lighting/Flow).

I tried to learn names, but since most died, and went Bleached White, (My Tank was a Conveyor Belt) memory faded quickly, possibly Depression Selective memory loss.
MH BULB (Pheonix 14K) OLD vs NEW (PAR TEST)

I tried one bulb replacement for the test.

Looks like the OLD 18 month Bulb is weaker.
Must also mean Spectrum is aged.


I guess it should be safe to install BOTH. Possibly Better.

I will raise light 1" for a week, but Matt, you mentioned not to change Fixture Height but Reduce Photo Period.

Will test again with two bulbs installed.
No, I think raising the fixture is probably a good idea.
Only 1inch?
The way I look at it is that having too little light for a while won’t hurt and you will increase it back over time but too much light can do pretty instant damage and sometimes they won’t recover..
I think raising the light is the way to go.
OMG (2nd Bulb in) TANK looks totally Different!!!!

I'll do the PAR details later.

I better raise lights 2 Inches to be safe. (Also Dropping Photo Period 1 hour, NO 2 Hours for Today)

I can't believe my eyes. The whole Tank Looks White/Full Spectrum Again.

The Corals are showing True Colors, like I never saw.

Those OLD bulbs really shifted to the BLUE Spectrum.

I BETTER BE CAREFUL!!! (This Visually appears Drastic, Even though Exact Same Bulbs).

Even my Camera is having a easier time (With Less Blue Light)

Didn't have to fool around with White Balance, or anything to get this Quick Shot of the Ice Fire and PacMan.


and the SSC, kind of looks Like an UGLY Tree Close up.


I assume it needs more time to acclimatize in my Tank.
Looked really Pretty in the Sellers Tank.
OK. Here is what I did for NEW BULB setup.

I raised the MH Fixture just enough to Match OLD BULB pars.

ie (Old Bulb were 320, and Now New Bulbs are 320, but lights raised, and spectrum is different).

Let this soak for a few days (allow coral to make Spectrum Adjustment first, then Lower Lights to Increase PAR, to bring Fixture back down to 11")

Should I go higher with MH fixture? Less then previous PARS?

I did (In Addition to Raising Fixture)... reduce Photo Period for Today by 2 HOURS.
I'm a bit scared!!

I scanned the Front FRAG Rack (all the Frags). RACK is lower than Half TANK Level.
PARS (with MH Fixture Raised 2") and (T5's ON, same old level) are 250-320

That should be pretty safe PARS.

But this Tank is Flooded with lots of light.
Tank look with Current Lighting Setup (New Bulbs)


Pardon the Liquid Chalk PAR Measurement writing on Back of Glass.
All CALMED DOWN now. (( Small VERY Brief Panic )) with New Bulbs

So here is what happened.

-> Put in one new Bulb. (But stood at back of tank)
-----> Slightly higher PAR
-----> No noticeable Lighting Change
-----> Did some reading with other Bulbs on.

-> Put in 2nd Bulb (Again at back of tank)
-----> Took more readings
-----------> Good Increase in PARS (Two Bulbs overlapping)

THEN I CAME TO FRONT OF TANK where I can see corals.
And more specifically where I can see more White (eg White Sand)

-> First I was excited, and Happy that Lights look Crisper White. Colors Crisper.
-> Took the photos and posted.

And then it dawned on me that (All new Precious Frags Exposed), to BIG jump in lighting change. (Intensity and Spectrum Change)

No time to do analysis, or detailed readings. Needed to react fast/smart.

-> I raised (MH Fixture) to Match (PARS) With New Bulbs as OLD BULBS (2.5" higher)
-> I reduced Photo Period (2 hours)

NO HARM (as Matt says). A CLOUDY DAY is better than a SUPER NOVA.

Now I can think of a RAMP up strategy, and finish my PAR readings.

All FRAGS doing FINE.
One more LIGHTING Clarification.

I left the T5's alone.

So Tank Photo Period STANDS at 9 hours a day, just MH is reduced from 6-4 hours.

Thus a longer SHADY DAY (T5), less CLEAR SKY SUNNY (MH).
Just like ED recommended (Shading the corals), which can't do no harm, and recovery is possible over time.

BUT....Just for a brief period as I ramp up the SUNNY PART over the next 2-3 weeks.

acros look very nice and happy :thumbsup:

What was the par increase with new bulbs before you raised the halides?

acros look very nice and happy :thumbsup:

What was the par increase with new bulbs before you raised the halides?

I will MAP out in more Detail, since I noticed something interesting.

But here is my first PAR SCAN (Notes I took at BACK on TANK on Glass)


All MEASUREMENTs were with MH Fixture at 11", before I raised to 13.5".

PARS improved, but my concern was also Improvement to SPECTRUM.
now that acros are happy, I anticipate a big problem....
you will run out of space quickly with so many frags in that tank.
you will need a bigger one. hahaha
now that acros are happy, I anticipate a big problem....
you will run out of space quickly with so many frags in that tank.
you will need a bigger one. hahaha

I really hope that is my next problem. I dream about that day.
To start pruning SPS just like my LPS because of overgrowth.
Just a Dream right now.

If it happens, I have the FRAG tank, and I can make many Forest Fires for you and others.


I had a small scare with FRAG tank. I didn't post on this thread.
But all good news.
It's that NORI Idea that Matt threw at me.
That Cowrie gave me another problem, but it's not a problem. (IT may be something GOOD)

DETAILS HERE: (Take out the two Underscores "_" ) to get LINK
now that acros are happy, I anticipate a big problem....
you will run out of space quickly with so many frags in that tank.
you will need a bigger one. hahaha

Careful what you say Jorge! Knowing Wally, he's already begun the basement reno to accommodate the new 500g sps system!!
His wife won't be happy!!