Harlequin Shrimp
At first provide no live rock.. absolutely nothing but the glass and wall and maybe they'll go on. Or they'll go up high where you can't see them.
At first provide no live rock.. absolutely nothing but the glass and wall and maybe they'll go on. Or they'll go up high where you can't see them.
Might want to take extra caution in their enviroment tho..
Systems younger than 6 months old have a very high risk of losing nems.. even those maintained daily have reports of losing nems. Not sure why but it has to be taken seriously from what I've heard.. and experienced.
Looks good.
BTW "zombie" snails as you call them have always been a favorite food for my smashers. But currently I need a new mantis as I lost mine from a bad molt
Those nassarius snails don't bother his burrow?
That's what I'm still stumped on.. in the future L. maculata is my goal when I'm able to have more setups.. but the sandbed cleaning has had me scratching my head forever.. sandsifters wouldn't collaspe the burrow? Or bother him during molting?
Speaking of molting.. how does an L. maculata molt anyhow? Same as smashers just close up and cya in a few weeks?
How is the full system tour vid coming along?
The porcelains might go to the BTA.. might go to the mini maxis.. back and forth.. who knows!
Might even crawl through the divider and surprise you in the hell's fire.
They also swim.. kinda like little lobsters they have a tail and pleopods on them they pattle with.. you'll see this when you put them in the tank. They're awesome!
The lost claw will be back with the next molt they lose and grow claws like most people change socks.
This mid section of that stand is taking on a life of its own. How is the NPC section coming along? I bet the feeds are made a lot less troublesome with the sump. What happened to the skimmer after you turn this section back on?