To much bling
Omg that has porn, violence, baby's running rampet, and gang style drive bye at the end it was like visiting any major city ghetto. I love that last video!
I'd love to see some videos of the personalities of your various mantis beyond just their ability to predate other critters. Obviously, this is the exciting aspect of stomatopods, and you have a really wide selection of species that might otherwise be difficult for many of us to acquire. My biggest interest in mantis shrimp is their personalities. As you know, some species can be extremely personable. I'd love to see some footage of them just being goofy stomatopods.
You need to do some videos like I'm doing. Hands-on with mantis shrimp. Do you have any with the personality that will take being touched or interacted with without destroying your hands?
What are you feeding the rics? I ask more because it seems a mantis is well equipt to rip a ric apart for the food.