Myka's 69 SPS Tank 2015

Oh, I get the complaints about the projects laying around too. :D

I've never actually found Prodibio to lower nutrients on any tank I've used it in. I've used it on tanks with testable PO4 and NO3 and I haven't seen any reduction. However, on my own tanks, I've usually been able to keep nutrients in the low range I'm aiming for (PO4 <0.08, NO3 2-5 ppm) without the use of anything but good maintenance, a good skimmer, and carbon. I don't usually use GFO. There have been many times where I've had to intentionally feed the fish more in order to raise nutrients. When that happens, I usually have to put GFO online for a bit to keep PO4 down while the NO3 goes up since fish food tends to add too much PO4.
Isn't that the point of prodibio/bioptim? To lower nutrients and keep them there? Why have you used it?
Isn't that the point of prodibio/bioptim? To lower nutrients and keep them there? Why have you used it?

That's what it is advertised to do. :) I use it to (theoretically) create an environment where there is more good bacteria and less bad bacteria.

Well, I finally got some nitrate in the tank! I took a 5-gallon pail from a client's tank and put it into my tank. The client's tank is 0.04 ppm PO4 and ~25 ppm NO3. Perfect dose of nitrate for my tank. I ordered some sodium nitrate from The Science Company as two weeks of searching produced nothing locally. I also quit adding vinegar to the kalk about 10 days ago.

Here's today's readings:

Cal 435 ppm (Salifert)
Alk 160 ppm 8.9 dKH (Hanna)
Mg 1320 ppm (Salifert)
NO3 0.5 ppm (Salifert)
PO4 0.00 ppm (Hanna 713)

I ordered a group of Maldives Flame Anthias (P. ignitus) from my LFS. This species is very similar to Dispar Anthias and similarly are difficult to get eating. I waited until Quality Marine had them in stock so that I could get the healthiest fish possible rather than getting my LFS to order the (cheaper) Anthias from an overseas supplier. They arrived on Wednesday evening, and picked them up straight out of the shipping box. There are 6 small females and 2 big males. I put them into a 40-gallon quarantine tank and got some brine shrimp eggs in the hatcher. I also ordered some live blackworms from Petland, but they won't be here until next week. Thursday morning I fed a mix of PE Mysis, R.O.E., and frozen Cyclopeeze. 5 of the females came out to eat, and pecked around, ate a few bits. Very good. The two males and one female stayed hiding behind the pot. Thursday afternoon they were fed again and they all came out and ate a few bits. I fed them twice more and most of them ate a few bits, but not as well as earlier in the day. They were all most interested in the Cyclopeeze, but ate a few Mysis. This morning the 5 females were out pecking and eating a bit, and the males and one female were interested, but no action. The Brine Shrimp eggs failed to hatch. So I mixed up a cube of Hikari Mysis, Hikari Spirulina Brine Shrimp, and R.O.E. All the fish except the one shy female were very excited about the Brine Shrimp, and quickly grabbed a piece, but promptly spat it out. They repeatedly did this. Grrr! I did see one female eat one Brine Shrimp. No interest in the R.O.E. nor the Mysis. The two males and one female remain very shy.

The smallest female has a mark on her back - I haven't been able to look close enough to tell what it is. She is one of the more active ones. It may be bruising or it may be aberrant markings which would be cool. There's a possibility that it's a sore, but at this point I don't think it is. That's where we're at now.

Here's most of the herd:

Very nice thread. You have some fantastic pieces. Those fish look great. I want to add more anthias to my tank but unsure what to go with.... These look very nice hmmm...
Very nice thread. You have some fantastic pieces. Those fish look great. I want to add more anthias to my tank but unsure what to go with.... These look very nice hmmm...

Thank you! Hopefully the tank stabilizes and colors up soon. It has started growing though, most of the frags have started to cover the epoxy.

Nice fish! I'm sure you'll get them eating.
That should go far for getting your nutrients up as well.

Yeah, they are beauties! I fed them 5x yesterday and the 5 females always meet me at the glass. By the 3rd feeding yesterday they were all eating Hikari Spirulina Brine Shrimp and frozen Cyclopeeze pretty well and most of them pecked at Hikari and PE Mysis and R.O.E. a bit. I make a homemade mash that I tried feeding them this morning and they pecked at it a bit, but weren't too excited. I threw in a few NLS Grow pellets (0.5 mm) too just for the heck of it, and they were all excited, but didn't recognize it as food. Both the males are still shy and don't swim around - they just hide along with one of the females, but that female and one of the males always comes out to eat. The one male only comes out about half the time, and he has only eaten a few pieces of Brine Shrimp. I'm a bit worried about him, but he's not emaciated.

I added a second Panamic Barnacle Blenny to the tank yesterday, and he's doing well. The two Blennies don't bother each other.

The LFS had a few really nice Blue Spot Jawfish for a couple weeks and I wanted to buy one, but haven't had a chance to get sand in the tank, and now they are all sold. :sad2:
Nice! I love those blennies! They are so funny. :lol: I want a few for my tank. They are tiny things but so so funny to watch in the tank.
Nice! I love those blennies! They are so funny. :lol: I want a few for my tank. They are tiny things but so so funny to watch in the tank.

Ha, that blenny is so cute. Nice clam, and sarmentosa frag. Even brown those things look sharp.

Thanks guys! The Blennies are awesome. I'll take a video at feeding time - they are out of control! Zipping out to grab food, bouncing off fish, missing their hole on the way back... :crazy1: I'm hoping neither one decide the clam's in siphon is a good place to hide. I know they can be problematic this way.

I added sand to the tank yesterday. So much brighter! Plus the Squamosa will appreciate it. When I was digging around in there I didn't find the Pistol Shrimp (boy was I cautious!). I was out of town for a week, and since I've been home I haven't heard any snapping. I think he perished. :( Now I feel like a total jerk for not adding sand sooner. :facepalm:

I want to add a Perchlet (Plectranthias sp), but I fear for the Blennies. I know someone who has one that ate his Yasha Goby the instant it hit the tank. BUT, the Perchlet was there first, and the Yasha was added to the "food hole" part of the tank, at the surface, with lights on. So it was the perfect way to fail. :facepalm: I will have to hunt around and see what the experiences are. Anyone here have a Perchlet with small fish?

I am going to add a Candy Basslet to this tank too. This is my own personal "Holy Grail" fish. It's certainly not the rarest, nor the most expensive fish out there, but it is absolutely my favorite "less common" fish. I'm going to wait for the American Dollar to fall though because right now my buddy just said he paid 36% on his last credit card purchase. Dayum! :thumbdown
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Sorry Johnny! I've been sooo busy this month! I'll get back on track soon.

I just did another water change with some client's tank water to help increase nitrate. The Sodium nitrate I bought has shipped, so hopefully I'll see it next week.

I just dosed the Anthias tonight with PraziPro. Hopefully they will be ready for the display in a week or so. :D

I'm seeing lots of color springing up on the SPS now! Yay! Noticeable growth each week too.
myka, if you want nitrate now, go buy sachem's flourish nitrogen. It is liquid potassium nitrate..
I've been dosing it for months.. works like a charm..
and you get a bit of potassium in there as well..
myka, if you want nitrate now, go buy sachem's flourish nitrogen. It is liquid potassium nitrate..
I've been dosing it for months.. works like a charm..
and you get a bit of potassium in there as well..

It's not available locally. I even checked 4 LFS when I was on vacation in another province! :lol:
Wow!! I'm shocked. Nobody caters to planted tank enthusiasts??
Hm.. Well the dry stuff you are getting will be waaaay cheaper.
myka, if you want nitrate now, go buy sachem's flourish nitrogen. It is liquid potassium nitrate..
I've been dosing it for months.. works like a charm..
and you get a bit of potassium in there as well..

Have you shared this little gem of info on your journal Matt, the one i read to get ideas from............. $#^%$ Canadians always gotta be sneaky about everything.......:hammer:

That clam pic is just stunning Mindy :)
Wow!! I'm shocked. Nobody caters to planted tank enthusiasts??
Hm.. Well the dry stuff you are getting will be waaaay cheaper.

No, it's bizarre! A few years ago you could find the whole Flourish line in pretty much any LFS, but now it's like ghost brew!

That clam pic is just stunning Mindy :)

Thanks Andrew. It actually looks nicer now that it's been in the tank awhile. It's darkened up and the blue is bluer. :)

Ahhh, A.Sarmentosa - so that's what it is.... Lol!
I had one in my last tank - was my prize piece.
Great tank!

Haha! Sarmentosas are beauties!