Myka's 69 SPS Tank 2015

So I was traveling yesterday and stopped by an LFS. I picked up a few frags; Lokani, Echinata, Desawlii, and unknown (possibly a second Desalwii, possibly a Tenuis). There was AEFW in the system, but didn't seem to be affecting any of the pieces I bought. So they came home with me (5 hour drive), and I clipped them off the plugs, dipped them in Bayer (5 mL per 250 mL tank water, rinse in tank water well). No AEFW came off, and I didn't see any eggs on the plugs. I chucked them in the QT with the Anthias.

So this is where things get complicated...

I dosed PraziPro to the QT with the Anthias last Tuesday (a week ago), and the treatment should be complete now. I check on the Anthias this morning, and they look rough. They have the "rough scales" appearance. One has some whitish edges on a couple spots on fins. Half of them look a bit Ich-y. So this isn't really the complicated part - except I just put SPS frags into the QT!!! :mad2:

So I think I'm going to move the SPS frags into the display tank, and hope for the best. The tank is just frags right now, so if worst comes to worst, I can remove them for AEFW dips. Le sigh...
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So I was traveling yesterday and stopped by an LFS. I picked up a few frags; Lokani, Echinata, Desawlii, and unknown (possibly a second Desalwii, possibly a Tenuis). There was AEFW in the system, but didn't seem to be affecting any of the pieces I bought. So they came home with me (5 hour drive), and I clipped them off the plugs, dipped them in Bayer (5 mL per 250 mL tank water, rinse in tank water well). No AEFW came off, and I didn't see any eggs on the plugs. I chucked them in the QT with the Anthias.

So this is where things get complicated...

I dosed PraziPro to the QT with the Anthias last Tuesday (a week ago), and the treatment should be complete now. I check on the Anthias this morning, and they look rough. They have the "rough scales" appearance. One has some whitish edges on a couple spots on fins. Half of them look a bit Ich-y. So this isn't really the complicated part - except I just put SPS frags into the QT!!! :mad2:

So I think I'm going to move the SPS frags into the display tank, and hope for the best. The tank is just frags right now, so if worst comes to worst, I can remove them for AEFW dips. Le sigh...

Sorry about the tank issues. I went through AEFW and a crash before that last year. It aint fun but in the end the effort is worth it when you know you've beaten the odds and got your tank healthy again. Hope all goes well. :)
Sorry about the tank issues. I went through AEFW and a crash before that last year. It aint fun but in the end the effort is worth it when you know you've beaten the odds and got your tank healthy again. Hope all goes well. :)

Hey Sahin, it's really not tank issues - the tank itself is actually settling in quite nicely! It's the QT that's driving me bonkers! Haha!

I gave 2 of the Anthias FW dips last night as they appeared like maybe they had some flukes, but nothing came off. I'm going to go ahead with a copper treatment for them since they do have some sort of something going on - it's just not progressed far enough to positively ID. I put a bag of carbon in to get rid of the Prazi. Unfortunately, I haven't had the spare time to scoop out the sand bed in the QT. Today I should get that done and begin treatment. They didn't eat with much gusto yesterday, but still appear fat and active.
Well the tank is settling in nicely. After the tank's absolute over-reaction to the epoxy, I'm starting to see colors coming back. Finally. Really though, the tank had a lot going against it. First, I did tank transfer. 9 days later I added a whack of SPS frags. A week or so later I epoxied everything and the system became extremely stressed because of this. At that point most of the frags in the system were 100% brown - like not a hint of color. So now that I'm beginning to see color again, I'm quite happy!

Also, FWIW, I took a video of the Blennies during feeding, bt it's not uploading properly. Once I figure that out I'll post it. The Anthias in the QT got their first dose of Cupramine today. Dang, I was hoping they could go in the tank soon! I did put the quarantined SPS frags into the display tank today (freaking out a bit) so I could medicate the Anthias. I left the sand bed in the QT.








This tabling piece I bought just before the tank transfer (late June). It was entirely cream/beige. Now I'm seeing what may be purple tips - eee!
The new frags are looking really nice Myka. Do you know what the first one is?

CM Albino Mille. It's had really poor PE since I've had it, but it's coloring up now, so I'm curious to see how it develops. This one looks nothing like the mother colony right now - mine doesn't even look like a Mille. :lolspin:

CM Albino Mille mother colony:
I'm sure once everything settles in, it will all look amazing. When I set up my tank 7 months ago or so, all my corals went brown as well. They definitely didn't appreciate all the putty it took to secure them and the rock work.
I'm sure once everything settles in, it will all look amazing. When I set up my tank 7 months ago or so, all my corals went brown as well. They definitely didn't appreciate all the putty it took to secure them and the rock work.

Yeah. I was expecting the brown out, but was still hoping it wouldn't happen. :D
CM Albino Mille. It's had really poor PE since I've had it, but it's coloring up now, so I'm curious to see how it develops. This one looks nothing like the mother colony right now - mine doesn't even look like a Mille. :lolspin:

CM Albino Mille mother colony:

That crazy coral changes colors every time I turn around and gets some crazy coral morphs that will knock your socks off.
Here's what a frag I've been growing out off that mother piece did a few months back -
Wow, some nice frags there.

What is this one?

Thank you Sahin. That is Hawkins "Echinata".

Thats a beautiful clam Mindy.

Thanks Doug, it was a real find! It sure has colored up since that pic too!

That crazy coral changes colors every time I turn around and gets some crazy coral morphs that will knock your socks off.
Here's what a frag I've been growing out off that mother piece did a few months back -


Nice one, where does one get piece of that?

Send Greg "Oldude" a PM. :)
A couple new pics of the clam. I can't quite catch the blue in it - it's bluer than the photo, also the pattern is sharper. I just can't really get it right.


Here are the two LPS that are allowed to stay in my tank. The Rainbow Trachy I've had for several years now - it bleaches at the drop of a hat. This time it has a good reason as it's had a hard time getting used to the new lights. The Space Invader Pectina is also a bit bleached, but not as bad.

I checked Greg's site but didn't see it currently available, PM it shall be. That Pectinia is off the hook :thumbsup:
Wow, nice clam, nice pectinia and awesome rainbow trachy!!! Although partially bleached, it must look stunning when happy. :beer:
A couple new pics of the clam. I can't quite catch the blue in it - it's bluer than the photo, also the pattern is sharper. I just can't really get it right.


Here are the two LPS that are allowed to stay in my tank. The Rainbow Trachy I've had for several years now - it bleaches at the drop of a hat. This time it has a good reason as it's had a hard time getting used to the new lights. The Space Invader Pectina is also a bit bleached, but not as bad.

"Bleached", ha! You know bleach turns things white right ?[emoji6]. I'd say they are slightly dull (but not really at all). They look fantastic. That space invader is nuts, crazy form factor
I loooooove that pectinia! Awesome contrast..
That's a coral I have never kept..
That one is gorgeous!
Tank is looking great, Mindy!
I checked Greg's site but didn't see it currently available, PM it shall be. That Pectinia is off the hook :thumbsup:

Ah, may have to wait for it then. :)

Wow, nice clam, nice pectinia and awesome rainbow trachy!!! Although partially bleached, it must look stunning when happy. :beer:

Thank you Sahin, I'll post a pic of the Trachy unbleached.

"Bleached", ha! You know bleach turns things white right ?[emoji6]. I'd say they are slightly dull (but not really at all). They look fantastic. That space invader is nuts, crazy form factor

Haha, the Trachy is quite bleached. Definitely not the worst it's ever been, but see below for an unbleached pic. :D

I loooooove that pectinia! Awesome contrast..
That's a coral I have never kept..
That one is gorgeous!
Tank is looking great, Mindy!

I fell in love with the Space Invaders Pectinia the first time I saw it too. Managed to score a frag of it. It grows fast if you feed it, but I don't feed it. It's super hardy. It also has some CRAZY sweeper tentacles if it wants to. Mine doesn't put out the sweepers very often, and if it does they are only 3-4" long, but other people that have them say they've seen 12" sweepers! :eek2:

Here's a pic from February of this year.