Hot damn i would love to get my hands on some of your yummy frag collection Mindy....... the Blueberry Wine is ridiculously saturated with awesome pigment
I normally hate green acros but this one is bloody nice :twitch:
I have a very similar bright pastel blue colony, awesome acro to add a real eye catching bright pop to an area in the scape. Yours looks beautiful
Nice stuff Mindy! LOL
So on Wednesday I did a 15-gallon waterchange with 1/2 AF reef salt and 1/2 AF probiotic reef salt. I also started NP Pro 1 drop per night. 24 hours later 2 pieces RTN - a mini colony and a frag of the same mini colony. WTH??? Anyone think there is a correlation?
K 460+ ppm ?? (S)
The potassium I'm not sure if it's accurate. I'm not specifically adding any potassium other than whatever may be in Component 1+2+3+. I've only used the test kit a few times, and found it very easy to use - got the same answer 3 times. That was 420 ppm on Apr 14th (I was using AF salt at this point, but this was before I started the full AF program). I tested K twice today. The first time I screwed up and added 1 mL reagent 2 instead of 0.5 mL. So I got to 35 drops and I was like...uh??? So I retested, noticed my error, and the second time I got the color change possibly as early as the 3rd drop (470 ppm), but definitely by the 4th drop (460 ppm). I found the color change hard to see because I wasn't expecting it so quick. I'll retest sometime this weekend when the vials are all cleaned up.
Unless the salt combo mixed to an alk shift that was extreme that shouldn't matter. -NP Pro is just a large molecule carbon, so it takes longer to break down than vinegar or vodka, but you didn't add enough to do much of anything.
So if the colony and frag both RTN'd that indicates a stress from something that happened days/weeks earlier or a deficiency in light/nutrients.
Salifert potassium test kit measures potassium 20 ppm too high when I test my FM multi-reference solution. My previous test kit was the same.
The other thing that may interfere test results is the nozzle of the K-3 dropper bottle. Do you clean it with a clean tissue paper before each test (as per the instructions)? Instructions also state that "Do not put the cap back on the K-3 bottle until the test has been fully performed".
I hope this helps.
Thank you. Yes, it is. Majority of my corals except a few are from wild-collected colonies.
I have never seen a Microclados with blue tips before. It must look really nice. I will search your tank thread to find its picture.
Bulent, here's a pic of mine. It's just the new growth tips that have blue tips (on the right side and the bottom left). I should take a new picture - there are lots of new growth tips these days.
Thank you Bülent. I will take a new pic just for you. It's starting to really take off in the last couple weeks. New growth tips everywhere.This is a really special coral, which I have never seen in the flesh before. I had already looked at your thread, but can't quite remember seeing it. Thank you for pointing out.
Here are some comparative photos from May 13th and today May 28th.
Sorry, the white balance isn't quite the same in each set of photos, you'll have to use your imagination a bit.
Strawberry Shortcake
May 13
May 28 (some nice white growth tips top left and bottom left)
Garf Bonsai
May 13
May 28
Hawkin's Echinata
May 13
May 28
No name Tort
May 13
May 28
May 13
May 28
Pictures from today!
Here's a close up of some growth tips on the Microclados: