Well I had a contractor here working in the house today, so I had to stick around. As nice as it is outside, I figured it was long overdue for me to spend a few hours messing around with my hands in the tank. There has been an increasingly annoying population of large Vermetid Worms in the tank that have been irritating the corals a lot lately with their webs. Last weekend I got some epoxy out and put little balls of epoxy over a bunch of their shell openings. I noticed some were able to push their "prison door" off, so it only partially worked. I decided to get in there today with some frag nippers and broke a bunch off including the ones I epoxied... the smell was disgusting! *barf* I think I got 90% of them at least. I also changed out a rock on the left side that was really annoying me. I had one ready to go in the sump, so now it's blaringly white in the tank! :lol: The shape works better though I think.
I'll take some pics hopefully tonight and post them up. Grow has continued to be good and color is slowly improving, but not as quickly as in May when it improved leaps and bounds. Every week I'm turning the doser up to keep up with demands. I have increased dosing by 65% in the last 4 weeks!

Unfortunately, because of this increase the alkalinity has been ramping up and down between 6.8-7.6 which is more of a swing than I like to see. I should start testing and adjusting twice a week - but it's summer and "what tank??? Oh, is that beer???" :lol: However, I've noticed that when the alkalinity swings down in the 6.8 dKH range that the polyp extension on the SPS actually
increases compared to when alkalinity is 7.2 dKH. I worry about the LPS with alk lower than 7.0 dKH though. Hmm...what to do???
As far as dosing goes, I stopped AcroPower a few weeks ago now hoping to chew back the hair algae in the one area of the tank as well as a couple small patches of green cyano. The hair algae is now starting to die off, so I'm happy about that.
The Electric Flame Scallop has now been in the tank for 8 1/2 weeks and it looks better now than it did in the store. It is a lot more "fleshy". It moves around every few days. I hope that is not a sign that it is unhappy. I was curious if the Aquaforest method provided enough food for a critter like the Flame Scallop and so far so good, but it's too early to tell. I'd love to add a couple NPS Gorgs in the future too.
Today's test results:
S 35 ppt (freshly calibrated)
Ca 410 ppm (S)
Alk 121 ppm, 6.8 dKH (H)
Alk 6.55 dKH (S) (new test kit...noticed it reads 0.2 dKH lower than the previous kit)
Mg 1320 ppm (RSP)
K 410 ppm (S)
NO3 0.25 (RSP)
NO3 0.5 ppm (S)
PO4 4 ppb, 0.01 ppm (H ULR)