Myths & Myth Busting !!!

Perhaps we need to compile a "Top 10" list of zoanthid myths and submit it to RC for their monthly publication.
Thanks, I actually have fragged a colony that did seem to grow faster in a spurt... from like 3-50 in monthS and from 25-50 in A month before it slowed down to the normal rate. I have read conflicting reports saying that they grow slower after fragging as well, anyone have any experience to share?
the only logical explanation I have read about how fragging makes them grow faster is when you frag the middle parts of the colony. this way when before those in the middle had no space to grow, now they do and will reproduce faster relatively 'inwards' while the ones on the outside grow outwards.
perhaps in a dense colony this may still hold true given the room for growth argument; but I would like to hear more about this issue as well... (not to mention more about myths)
Maybe it's relative to tank conditions. I have never witnessed it in any of my systems, not saying it isn't true, I have never seen, heard locally or witnessed it.

Moving or repetitive moving is stressful in and of itself, which only causes a delay in growth and short term expansion. This is widely known and excepted. If you take two frags of 10 polyps and attach them to two separete rocks, then place one rock on the reef in a sweet spot and place the other rock next to it for one week. Then move rock A every 3 days to a new place in the tank, I will bet my most prized palys that rock B which remained stationary will have a better growth rate than rock A. If you did the same and fragged a polyp off of one of those rocks every week, the growth rate of the fragged stationary rock would exceed that of the fragged and constantly relocated rock. My experience, and I'm only speaking of me, is constantly moved rocks slows growth and repetitive premature fragging slows growth. Premature fragging can, will and has killed an awful lot of polyps. High prices has caused the death of many polyps as some reefers will immediately chop off a polyp to sale it when it appears. This constant chopping can cause mortality. Not trying to go there with this discussion, it was just a relative comment as it relates to growth, movement and fragging.

Mucho Reef
i agree with you completely, mucho -- i have witnessed that first hand as well.

oh I think I got one, I had read in one place that zoas grow better under actinics only **** that's gotta be a myth right?
25-50 was cut from the middle (where the frag disk was) and it didn't grow back in the middle, it actually grew outward instead. If anything, it melted on the inside a little.

I agree that premature fragging can be very harmful and will slow growth and kill more polyps. I just did a giant fragging (getting ready for a big upgrade this summer) and will have to take you up on that bet for most prized palys Mucho as I have a ton of frags to experiment with :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14636639#post14636639 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by memorial
i agree with you completely, mucho -- i have witnessed that first hand as well.

oh I think I got one, I had read in one place that zoas grow better under actinics only **** that's gotta be a myth right?

I have heard this a few times. The reefer swore it was true. I simply find it hard to believe, not saying it is or isn't true. Maybe someone else can share if they have been successful with it. I dunno. I gotta try it one day and see.

Mucho Reef
I'm beginning to thank its a myth for me to keep these new deep water zoa's. they should be called melting pot
They're more sensitive than other polyps. temp acclimate them, and if your anal about it. slowly pour some tank water in the bag while your temp acclimating them. I havnen't had issues except for 1 large frag that didn't look good coming to me.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14745787#post14745787 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MUCHO REEF
Are you having some issues with them?
yah they melted away on me. they were in ruff shape when i recieved them