Need help finding California resident willing to let me collect live rock??


New member
I am about to start a 630 gallon tank build and I have found the most expensive thing I need to buy would be the live rock and sand. I live in western New Mexico and was planning to come to California to collect around 600 pounds of Live rock and enough sand for a 4" substrate. California fish and game has no laws about collecting the rock and sand as long as it is not done in a state or national park or monument. This leaves me to try to find a local land owner who is willing to let me enter their property and remove the rock and sand.

Does anyone know of someone who would be willing to give permission to me and my family to show up one day and collect?

Thanks for all you help and comments!
I would not recommend collecting anything from the California shoreline due to pollution. Over ther years, I've read that if you want to collect water, rock or sand on Ca beaches, it is best to go a couple miles out into the ocean. It will be interesting to get everyone's take on this, but the beach is nature's protein skimmer. (too much nasty junk)
Too bad we weren't closer to Florida......
I can't help you in your quest, but I am curious about what kind of tank you are hoping to set up and what your expectations for the rock are. California's waters are temperate, and won't have the type of life on it that would thrive at the temperatures of a reef tank (~80°F). That's why people normally import their live rock from tropical areas like Fiji, etc.

I am currently planning FOWLR housing the more aggressive fish. I am mostly looking for coralline algae and maybe some snails and crabs. Florida would be nice but that is over 30 hours from me and southern California is only 12 to 14. I may be completely wrong in my plan to save thousands of dollars by collecting my own rock. I myself am interested in the comments people will have.
I suggest, making your own rock and seeding it on side. You will save on the longer run and can aqua scape whatever your mind dreams of.
I see live rock on San Diego local forums for about $2 per pound all the time. You could make half a dozen purchases to get 600# and then drive out to pick it up.

Another option is to make the rock yourself. It takes a while to properly cure it, but you will save big bucks. I would not recommend it for a reef tank, but for a FOWLR it should be fine.
First off, you'd be hard pressed to find a piece of true ocean front property out this way for anything less then the high 7 figures. The type of folks who can afford those prices can be real protective about what they have and who they let come onto their property. I think you are going to have to look long and hard to find someone willing to let you come on their property and start taking stuff out of what they consdier to be their front yard.

Secondly, most of the rock along our shoreline is way more dense then what you are probably looking for. specifically speaking, it literally is rock, as oppossed to dead coral skeletons that make up the bulk of the imported stuff. And since it's missing the porosity of the imported stuff you're probably not going to see much in the way of biological filtration coming from that rock. Couple this with all the marine life that will not successfully acclimate to a tropical aquarium and you could end up with a real mess on your hands.
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you can always save the gas and buy dry base rock for most of your purchase and then get one box of live rock to seed the rest. the same is true for live sand.......

the good thing about dry base rock is you can aquascape you tank while it's dry and "glue" the pieces together so that you large fish don't topple them.

remember the point of Live rock is filtration.... so don't use rock use coral skeleton
You can buy live rock in Southern Cali for $1 a pound so why will you collect from the dirty shore line here?
Also I agree use a dry rock it's better just make sure to let it cycle and no pest to worry about.
like all other said y would u try to save 2000 by collecting ur own rocks when ur doing a 630 gallon tank some stuff u can save some stuff u cant and reefing is one thing u cant save on
Being from So. Cal and a scuba diver as well, I can tell you that there is no live rock out here worth having in a tank unless its a cold water tank. As others have said, our "live rock" is truley "rock" as in stone. The live rock that we put into our tanks is made up of coral skeletons and is totally different than anything we have locally. In short, you are on the wrong track.

Also, if the rock does have any living organisms in it or on it, you could get into trouble as there are laws for collecting living organisms from our water so while the rock may not be protected, the life on it is. You can collect or more like catch things to eat (with a state fishing license) but as soon as you start transporting them alive, that is where you can get into trouble as it falls into fish and game regulations..
Rock and sand is the most expensive part with a 630 gallon tank? Oooh boy you're going to be in for sticker shock down the road.
Rock and sand is the most expensive part with a 630 gallon tank? Oooh boy you're going to be in for sticker shock down the road.

I can see his point though, especially for a FOWLR. At a conservative 1# per gallon, live rock at a LFS would be about $6 per pound or around $3600 + plus local sales tax. That would probably be the single most expensive purchase, assuming he already has a tank.
I have rethought my tank build and i am going to reduce the size to around 300 gallons. I have began researching the process of making my own rock. I have make 6 pieces so far and trying to make 3 or 4 pieces every couple of days. The new rock can cure in a tub until I have the tank built. If it takes longer to build the tank than i have thought I can add some live rock to it to seed it.
"I think he meant to pick some CA chicks."

My wife would be very upset to find out the truth. Keep this secret for me, would ya?
Florida would be nice but that is over 30 hours from me and southern California is only 12 to 14. I may be completely wrong in my plan to save thousands of dollars by collecting my own rock. I myself am interested in the comments people will have.

It wouldn't have mattered if you lived on a boat directly above the reef collecting any rock in Florida is prohibited. I have some Florida rock in my tank that I collected in 1990 before it became illegal.
Just order a bunch of base rock off of marcorocks. There are a bunch of threads on here that compare the different types they sell. Then buy a few pounds of live rock and your good to go.
Cheap base rock is the key here. Use some nice live to seed it with. With the amount you need to get you can probably work out a cheap base rock deal.

If you want florida rock, Tampa Bay saltwater, a sponser here, has an aquaculture site with a few millions pounds sitting in it. He also sells base rock and is a great business. Bet he would work something out for you.