new camera recommendations


New member
I hate to beat a dead horse, but I need a recommendation. My wife and I are looking at getting a new camera. We want to go with a digital SLR (finally!). I've heard the Nikons take good macro shots? The camera will be used for regular family stuff, as well as macro shots in my tank. Now, here is the problem. I understand, for the most part, photography and camera settings. My wife does all! I'd like a camera that has the ability to be fully automatic one minute, and with the push of a button (or whatever)get real sophisticated. Is there anything available on the market that can do this? Thank you very much in advance.
as a new DSLR user I would recommend either the Canon xti or the Nikon d40x. both will do exactly what you have mentioned with the right lenses or extension tubes.
Cool! Thnks a bunch oct2274. The Nikon d40x is actually the camera I was interested in. Now, another question. If I use the camera manually and change setting, then my wife wants to use it automatically, do ALL the settings change to what is best for the picture she is taking? I hope that comes out right. Basically, if I use it one night and forget to set it back up for her, the next day when I'm at work am I going to get a phone call and have to try to explain something to her? Thanks again!
If you leave the white balance set to tank mode (manual WB) then it will still be wrong in P mode as well as M, A or S modes. That's bitten me a few times, but it will be quick to teach her!
Hey Phyllis, thanks for the reply! Glad to know the camera is easy to use. Hey, how are those rotifers you got off me? Did they make the trip to you?